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Tone-Shmone! Get out in front!!!

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I kind of get a kick reading around these forums and people saying "don't use this mic because 1997 was a bad year for plastic" or "put this facing 3 degrees vs. 4 degrees to get an amazing sound". I'm being facetious of course but seems there are 10,000 reasons to do (or not do) something to get some miniscule (read: questionable) improvement. My problem with all of this: 90% of the performers on these boards are out there are doing their own mixing from the stage and run the gamut from being partially to totally out of touch with what is going on out front.


I recently judged a talent-heavy Singer-Songwriter competion and what made the difference on this particular occasion was the last guy actually made the effort to walk around out front before he went on and made some changes to the mix. IMHO

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Originally posted by pktaskes

I kind of get a kick reading around these forums and people saying "don't use this mic because 1997 was a bad year for plastic" or "put this facing 3 degrees vs. 4 degrees to get an amazing sound". I'm being facetious of course but seems there are 10,000 reasons to do (or not do) something to get some miniscule (read: questionable) improvement. My problem with all of this: 90% of the performers on these boards are out there are doing their own mixing from the stage and run the gamut from being partially to totally out of touch with what is going on out front.


Oh so true... ;) but I thought 1997 was a GOOD year for plastic... at least to my ears:D

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Yup. I had a gig with my blues band last weekend. I was taking a solo on guitar, and didn't feel like I was quite up where I should be. Wandered out front a ways and found out everything was just fine. Those instrument amps really do "bloom" at a certain distance.

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Tell me about the guitar amp you used on that gig.


Originally posted by DaBender

Yup. I had a gig with my blues band last weekend. I was taking a solo on guitar, and didn't feel like I was quite up where I should be. Wandered out front a ways and found out everything was just fine. Those instrument amps really do "bloom" at a certain distance.


Combo? Half stack? Full stack? What brand/model?


Where was it placed? Where was it pointing?

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Originally posted by where02190

I think you'll find alot more than 10% of the regular posters here are professional SR companies and/or independant engineers.



Should have specified these forums as a whole (guitar, amp, etc). Much the same kind of thing as I'm talking about happens throughout.

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Originally posted by Craigv

Use good speakers and keep the mix flat, and 95% of your problems don't happen in the first place.



Good point. The less messing, the less messed up things get.


I do feel certian things always need tweaking, one of which is the acoustic guitar tone. I'm pretty rabid about that as about half of the stuff we do is acoustic and that plucky, plinky piezo sound some bands have drives me nuts.

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