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Help! Church Console Crashed the week before christmas.

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This sunday my churches 10 year old mackie 24.4 died. Through a series of conversations about repair costs and renting a console for a month we have decided to replace it with a A&H GL2400-32. It was ordered this morning and will arrive tomorrow. Our normal sound guy ( volunteer ) is out of town this week and i have been asked to replace the old with the new.


Are there any major diferences between the mackie and the gl2400 that i should be aware of? I am hoping to leave the amp, crossover, and eq settings the same and just setup and eq each channel. Am i over-simplifing?


I appreciate any information or help you can provide.





System Information

3x CE 400 Amplifiers

Bose Parasound 502 ( L, R, 2 Subs, and controller )

Rane Eq for Mono Mains, 3 monitor mixes

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Layout of the aux sends and EQ on the channell strip will be totally different. You will now have two mid-sweeps (can't remember if the mackie has one or not). If you don't know how to use them, don't. Just use your high and low shelving at this point. Don't worry about any of the matrix feeds and come out of the main L-R busses.


Amp, crossover, and mains EQ should remain the same.


In Christ,

Les Webb

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the gl2400 will absolutely blow away the old 24 by 4 mackie, and i say this with love towards the mackie.


i beleive the 2400 is physically larger than the mackie.


the output of the gl2400 may be only XLR on the mains, where it is TRS on the auxes. this may be the same as the mackie depending if the mackie came with TRS only (some are weird, i have seen them both ways)


good choice on the mixer btw.

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Are there any major diferences between the mackie and the gl2400 that i should be aware of?



Not different enough to be a problem. As has been mentioned, the GL2400 EQ's have 2 mid sweeps, vs 1 on the Mackie, and it's got matrix outputs which can be ignored for now.


If the Mackie EQ/routing/assignment settings generally stay the same and you're trying to replicate them on the GL2400, just keep an eye out for buss assignments, panning, and especially where the 0/unity position is on the knobs. IIRC, 12:00 is unity for the mackie knobs, but it's about 2:00 for some of the GL knobs (like the aux masters). It's not a dire issue, but something to keep in mind if you're trying to get it back to the other guy's settings.


Overall, they're pretty similar on a functional level and your understanding of the Mackie should translate well to the A-H.



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Originally posted by BigSam

Are there any major diferences between the mackie and the gl2400 that i should be aware of? I am hoping to leave the amp, crossover, and eq settings the same and just setup and eq each channel. Am i over-simplifing?


Hi Sam.

You should find it quite easy to adapt to the GL2400. I assume your amp, crossover and EQ relate to your speaker system, so you should leave as is for now.


Have a good read through the user guide and other resources you can download from www.allen-heath.com. Start simple. You can add and adjust as you get more familiar with the console and its additional features.


If you need any further help or advice please let me know.

All the best,

Carey (A&H design)

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THere is one major difference that you should prepare yourself for.....


Better sound!!! the preamps in the 2400 will blow away the preamps in the 24.4! I'm in charge of the sound at my church (and do it for a living) and I've been trying to get then to toss the 24.4 that we have, one channel is blown and I'm just not a fan, the 2400, however, looks like a great board and A&H have never given me any reason to complain!

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Thanks for all the Help. I plan to setup the system just like it was with the old mackie at first and then work with the tech volunteers to see how we can take advantage of the matrix and some of the new features.


One more question, as i looked at how the system was set up, the left channel of the mixer was used for the mains and the right channel of the mixer was used for the subs. Is this common? Can anyone tell me why it should or shouldn't be set up that way?

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Originally posted by BigSam

............. as i looked at how the system was set up, the left channel of the mixer was used for the mains and the right channel of the mixer was used for the subs. Is this common? Can anyone tell me why it should or shouldn't be set up that way?



Presumably this is a variation on aux-fed subs* that was done to keep from using up an aux. There are various ways to accomplish this (L/R, aux bus, group)*. However I'd look into whether it's being implemented properly in the system:


1) High pass filters ("crossover") on the top boxes @ around 100Hz


2) Low pass filter ("crossover") on the subs @ around 100Hz.


I've seen it done without pass filters, and I've seen it done using Graphic EQs instead of pass filters. Neither is appropriate.



* go to http://www.padrick.net/LiveSound/SubwooferInfo.htm and scroll down to the Aux-fed subs link.

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