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In Ear Monitor question.

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I've got a pair of excellent in ear monitors but no reciever or base unit. I've been putting this off cause I'm concerned about the isolation. Anyway, I've got to do it so recomend me a good system that doesn't break the bank. The plugs set me back so I can't go for broke on the system.


Thanks guys.

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i'm thinking about selling my PSM200 reciever and transmitter. I changed up the configuration of my guitar so that its not playing at my ankles anymore. system works great, just don't know if I need it anymore. PM me if you're interested?

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I've used PSM200's for quite a while now in different configurations, but the band always shared an ambient mic run through a channel on the board, then mixed into the monitor send to taste for each band member. At first we used a boundary mic laying on the floor under the keyboards, which was overkill really. We settled on more or less using the drummers overheads for ambient noise, which worked remarkably well. A condensor off to the side of the stage will have the same effect. Or, as long as you aren't running tight gates on the vocal mics, which we were for a while, you'd be surprised how well vocal mics will open things up. We had 4 vocal mics on stage and after we quit gating them, they picked up plenty of ambient noise to reduce the effect of isolation due to the in-ears.

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We have a 57 on a stand pointing in a general area over the drums, it's mixed in so that we get a nice 'live' drum sound, and we can typically talk onstage without issues.... I've thought about strapping a mic to the light truss so I can get more audience sound...

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