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Headphone Amp with Limiter

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I have searched on some of the previous threads regarding using a headphone amp with wired phones for monitoring at rehearsal. We have a small room/loud drummer situation going on, and can't get the vocals loud enough over the drums. Ideally we'd use e-drums, but it's currenly not an option.


I am looking for a solution of putting everything but the drums direct into a mixer, and micing the drums, then sending a left and right send out of the mixer to a headphone amp.


One thing I have not found is a recommendation on a limiter to protect us from volume spikes. I know this is an important piece of the setup. Can anyone make a recommendation for a 2 channel limiter that will work in this case, or are there any headphone amps with built in limiters? I am looking at having at least 5 sets of phones, and I will pan the instruments to one side, and vocals to the other, and then using the balance control on the headphone amp for each player to mix in as much vocals as they want. We will be ok with one "music" mix for all players.


Thanks for any advice.

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The MACKIE HMX-56 doe not have any limiters, it is simply a matrix mixer. Shure and Sennheiser make wired versions of IEM's for this purpose that are far less money than what you'll need to spend in order to get a fast enough limiter to protect your hearing in a DIY situation.


It is very unlikely that 5 musicians will be happy with one mix.


DO NOT take risks with your hearing, once damaged, there is no repairing.

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Ideally we'd have mixes for everybody, but one mix with all instruments in it will be much better than our current mix: just DRUMS!!!


$300 a man for wired receivers is not in the budget. We're talking more like under $500 total.


What are they using in studios when all musicians are on cans? Do they not have some sort of limiting in their setups?

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I believe you, the damage is already being done, that's why I'm looking for alternatives to just making everything else louder.



Then stop, find a real solution before the damage sidelines your music for good. There have been several folks here facing just that issue, one did additional damage with IEMs.

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I am the sensible one in the group, I have custom molded earplugs. The rest of the guys just grin and bear it, or I bring them a big box of foam plugs, and they don't hear much of anything.


I have considered a drum shield, but we'd still need phones on the drummer or else we'd need to blast him with a floor monitor.


So the consensus is, there is no solution short of IEM packs for all that have a built in limiter, and any external limiter would not be fast enough to do us any good.



What about the studio headphone monitoring setups, like the furman one? Do they have interal limiting, or is there less of a risk of mic drops and feedback in a more controlled studio setting?


Thanks for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it.

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It looks like the wired receivers can be later upgraded to wireless though, correct?


On thoughts on the impending fallout when the current wireless frequencies are no longer useable after they got sold off (I think January 09)?


Are they offering wireless products now that will still be useable after that?

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