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Considering a dual 15 as a drum fill. Please help

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I am a drummer and am in the market for a drum fill. I've tried the br15 and it just wasn't giving me what I want. I'm looking for some punch. Not the thump that comes from a sub but a little something to let me know the drums are there. I'm wondering if the pv215 or the JRX 125 would be decent options. The price is right. I know the guys on here don't think too highly of them as mains but I'm wondering about their usefullness as a drum wedge basically. Would want to have just drum coming through it. No need for vocals or guitars. I have a Mackie 1400 amp to run it...

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Unless desiring a dual 15 model to place the horn beside your ear, forget it. Way too big for the desired results, hassle hauling and placing. Unless playing huge venues, unable to lay it down (propped at the correct angle). Just get a better quality 2-way 15". The BR Yammies are their bottom barrel, lowball competition entry. Their Club series sounds much better. Me, shopping new, I'd sell the power amp and BR speaker and get a plastic enclosure powered speaker, like a Yorkville NX series.



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Unless desiring a dual 15 model to place the horn beside your ear, forget it. Way too big for the desired results, hassle hauling and placing. Unless playing huge venues, unable to lay it down (propped at the correct angle). Just get a better quality 2-way 15". The BR Yammies are their bottom barrel, lowball competition entry. Their Club series sounds much better. Me, shopping new, I'd sell the power amp and BR speaker and get a plastic enclosure powered speaker, like a Yorkville NX series.




My drummer uses vdrums (Roland TD20) and I have a Yorkville NX750p for a monitor...all the kick he needs (and then some).

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Drum fills are great if you want to:


Cause additional sympathetic vibration of the kick and floor tom (which will require tighter gating, resulting the lost more lighter hits).


Cause more noise at your position, requiring more vocals and instruments in the monitor (then more drums, then more vox & inst, etc.).


Cause more noise at everyone else's position....


Cause more mud in the house.



If you MUST have thump, get a buttkicker. If you must have more drums volume (which befuddles me, as I can't stand to be within 10' of most drummers for more than a minute or two), get IEMs. Down the road, when you are trying to talk with your grandkids, you'll be glad you saved your ears.

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