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Fire Insurance replacement

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Hi folks,


We had a house fire in which I lost all of my gear to smoke and water damage. Insurance is being great in that they are willing to replace for "like and kind" for all of our possessions. One of my losses was a small pa system I had purchased via fleaBay a that I used as SR for a family band that we put together and do a gig now and then.


What went up in smoke was a Carvin RX1200 with 2 LS 1502 speakers, 3-12" passive boxes we used for monitors. (community DND series) as well as various mics, chords and such truck. It served our needs, although just barely.


Now the good news: As I live in Canada, I told my ins adjuster that I am not willing to purchase the exact replacement as it is only available straight from the factory in California, warranty is only handled straight from California as well as service. And I need to be able to deal locally to have peace of mind and service. To this they didn't hesitate and agreed, as long as I substitute "like and kind"


As the RX1200 is a 4 amp, 12 channel mixer (4x300) I started the search for something made by someone that would serve the same function. The only mixer I know of that has 4 internal amps is the Yorkville PM 16 which has 2x800 and 2x275 amps and 16 channel. So I found a local pro audio shop that carries this and he quoted me on this PM16 with E152 speakers. I haven't yet been quoted on monitors. He quoted MSRP.


I presented this quote to my ins adjuster and although she had questions about the large difference in $$$ between Carvin's "direct pricing" and this Yorkville system, she said that it is a go ahead.


Now when I last talked to the local pro audio shop the fellow there said after the quote is approved that we can switch and swap items to make up a system that might be a better system. One he suggested was the A&H PA20-CP (which has 2 500 watt constant power amps) and 2 Yorkville U15P active cabs.


I have heard lots of yorkville cabs around here and like what I hear but I am unfamiliar with either of these setups.


And so my questions:

I understand the U15 is up the food chain from the E152 and probably a better cab?


The mixers???? Or another choice? Both have only 2 prefader aux sends, and the Yorkville has inserts only 6 channels, 3 band mid sweepable channel EQ, 9 band graphic EQs on both mains and monitors, HPF at 80hz and so on.



The A&H has 16 channels all with inserts, 4 band mid sweepable EQ on channels and only 4 band EQs on output, no HPF that I can see.



The thing is, the mixer I choose will dictate the speakers and visa versa as I am stuck within a $$$$ amount. How about a Mixwiz or ZED series with all powered boxes?


Well enough rambling. All thoughts are welcome.




Thanks for any help.

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Anybody with any suggestions???

On the Yorkville E152 cabs vs. U15P cabs vs. ???????

On Yorkville PM-16 powered mixer vs. A&H PA-20CP vs. MixWiz 16/2 vs. A&H Zed series vs. ?????



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I think people may be having trouble with your questions because they are not overly clear. I'll give it a shot.


The E152 is a passive cab (meaning you'll need an external amp). The U15P is a powered cab (amp built in).


Among your options, I would take the U15P's and a mixwiz plus either some powered speakers for monitors (something like a NX25P) or a power amp and some passive speakers (maybe a QSC RMX850 and some NX35's)

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I think people may be having trouble with your questions because they are not overly clear. I'll give it a shot.

The E152 is a passive cab (meaning you'll need an external amp). The U15P is a powered cab (amp built in).

Among your options, I would take the U15P's and a mixwiz plus either some powered speakers for monitors (something like a NX25P) or a power amp and some passive speakers (maybe a QSC RMX850 and some NX35's)


Thanks so much for the reply. Hey I'll try to be a little more clear. (guess I should get sleep, eh.....:facepalm:)


The system quoted (and approved by my ins adjuster) is the Yorkville PM-16 mixer (2150 watts into 4 separate amps) with the E152 passive cabs.


So staying in line with the cost of that system I can change out any pieces of the pa.


So question: Best mixer + speaker combo for the same kinda money? ($5100 cnd)


Some choices that have been given to me by my local pro audio shop are:

A&H PA-20CP with active Yorkville U15P cabs and then use power amps in mixer to drive passive monitors

A&H Mixwiz with U15P's and some active monitors (suggestions??? he mainly carries Yorkville & JBL)

Mixwiz with external amps and passive speakers.


I have always had passive speakers except for at the school where I run sound for all their performances. (They have JBL EON 2's from a Behr mixer) All other bands I've been in have been passive boxes with pwrd mixers/pwr amps combos.


So any thought, concerns, questions are welcome and wanted.


Thanks again


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5000 should give some solid breathing room.


I would grab the u15's, be warned they are heavy, sound great though.


mixer , .. mix wiz, or what is the deal with the z "series" they seem neat, never used one though.


Consider powered monitors.



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5000 should give some solid breathing room.

I would grab the u15's, be warned they are heavy, sound great though.

mixer , .. mix wiz, or what is the deal with the z "series" they seem neat, never used one though.

Consider powered monitors.



Thanks for your thoughts Kev. I'm considering about all powered cabs but wonder about power outlet problems? Can you also get more grounding problems between cabs, mixer and outboard gear having more amps? (in speaker amps)


Weight isn't a concern to me (yet) but might be in a few years :cry: Heck I'm not even 50 yet (another month:eek:)


Any other thoughts?



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If you can get the ins co ok for the U-15P's and a Mixwiz, take it, quickly, and don't ask any questions. That's WAY better gear than you had.



Thanks Craig, I appreciate your thoughts. The only thing I have about active cabs is the need for extension chords and such truck. along with the need for more breakers and power needed to run everything. I've played a few places where power available is very lacking. And then when you start plugging into different outlets, do you have problems with ground loop issues?


Thanks again


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