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Possible to Convert Small Cab to Sub-Woofer?

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Hey All,


Long time reader/poster on HC, though never in the Live Sound & Production area.


My 4 piece rock band is currently running Yamaha Club Mains (15's) on two poles. The whole band is mic'd, but only a touch of kick drum and bass guitar is in the PA (and that small amount is compressed). Sound is fine for our usual club gigs of 75-125 people. Currently running them in stereo at about 400 watts a side, though we rarely have them more than half way up.


I have several empty cabs lying around, Peavey, Fender, etc. The cabs are of a smaller size, meaning that they could be modified to hold 2-12's or 1-15 with no problem (one of the cabs was a 1-15 combo amp. Electronics have long sinced been removed). Would it be possible, with the right caclulations, to use one of these cabs a a single source sub-woofer?


I already have an amp rated at around 600 watts bridged mono and might have access to an active crossover.

Obviously, I'm trying to use existing components on the cheap, and was thinking of grabbing an Eminence 15 LF (or 2-12's) and making/converting a cab to be used as a small sub.


Any comments are welcome.

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Well they said the Wright Brothers would never fly...


Usually there's a lot of engineering that goes into manufacturing even an inexpensive sub. I would suggest you start there, but if you like woodworking and mucking about you might try looking for sub designs and DIY. Beware however, that building you're own cab (or modifying an old one) will probably cost you as much or more money than buying retail, and the results could be less than satisfactory.


I believe it's the "first widget costs a million dollars" syndrome.

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