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Shure sm57 question

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Hey guys I just traded a guitar pedal for a used sure sm57.

It sounds fine and all but I wanted to take the screen off from it and clean.

I notice that the head of it just spins but doesn't come off, am I missing some kind of trick to to disassembling this?



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A mic screen is probably one of the worst germ collectors that there is. (That is why stores are not allowed by law to accept returns on mics. In NY anyway) It's always a good idea to be able to sanitize the inside and outside of a screen from a used mic. You never know what it went through. And then a quick sanitize wipe after anytime it's used would keep it from having to ever be opened again. I would contact Shure tech support for better advice as to how to get it opened safely.

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Do NOT ever use any liquid or wet wipe on an SM-57. Directly under the screen lies a very thin foam piece that around the edges sits very close to the diaphgram and any moisture, especially from a sanitizing solution that contains alcohol or hex, could damage the diaphgram.


Leave it alone.


Sorry Bob, no offense intended but you gave bad information related to this specific mic. Hope you don't hold it against my avitar ;)

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It is true about mics being germ carriers (that's why I carry my own vocal mic if I perform) but odds are a 57 didn't get used as a vocal mic. Unless the mic in question was used for vocals DONT CLEAN IT.


Dissasembly is (as pointed out) a tricky business. There is a spring loaded band that must be carefuly compressed to pop the top off (it's sort of like a proprietary circlip) and best done using a specialty tool.


Somewhat OT: The spinning top can be a issue sometimes (it can get loose enough to rattle). I've seen this addressed with tiny (3 mm wide) strips of gaff or a tiny (let me stress tiny) dab of hot glue (not so much that it can't easily be removed). either fix I'm sure effects the sound of the mic. The best fix is to order new parts from Shure.

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It is true about mics being germ carriers..



I don't mean to hyjack the thread but, is this really true or a myth?


I was under the impression that many (not all) of the germs that can get you sick, actually die pretty quickly outside of the body. I know there are some that survive longer, but many of those live on our skin anyway. Not to mention, when you're up onto a mic (which shouldn't be in your mouth) you are exhalling more than inhalling thereby preventing said germs from entering your system.


So just out of curiousity, is there any science to confirm this?

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I'll bet it like the doctors say about public toilets; if you're healthy in the first place it doesn't matter if you come into contact with any germs, your immune system is enough to take care of it.



I'm not a germ fanatic but we are talking about mucous membrane (lips) not just skin touching the mic. There are lots of funky things that will survive (especialy in a humid climate). Fungus is really hard to kill.


It doesn't bother me to go up to any mic and sing into it but if given a choice, I'd rather have it clean. I worked with a fellow who's mouth I'm sure went places I don't even want to think about. He had a habit of spitting a lot when he sang. I would always make him use a condom (windscreen) with my mics and it was always soaked eeuww!

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I'll bet it like the doctors say about public toilets; if you're healthy in the first place it doesn't matter if you come into contact with any germs, your immune system is enough to take care of it.


These days it seems, everyone's so worried about germs and bacteria that everything's germicidal and antibacterial... I suppose that's not really a bad thing but in a world that's padded and child-safe, I see it as just another step in creating a "better idiot".

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These days it seems, everyone's so worried about germs and bacteria that everything's germicidal and antibacterial... I suppose that's not really a bad thing but in a world that's padded and child-safe, I see it as just another step in creating a "better idiot".



It's a horrible thing.

Froma bacterial standpoint - eventually it becomes immune to whatever you are trying to kill it with (see Golden Staph etc) so you have to go stronger etc etc.


Also - coming into contact with certain things is necessary to build up an immunity to it. Like chicken pox when you are a kid. Get it when you are young and it isnt usually a big deal - you get itchy and feel a bit "bla" for a week and then you are (usually) ok. And have usually) a resistance and immunity to it.

The same thing happens with a lot of germs/diseases. Afterall - immunisations are basically a diluted mixture containing a little bit of whatever you are being immunised against. Your body see's it, fights it - and remembers how.


With everything being scrubbed clean 24/7 - if something DOES get missed - it hits you like a tonne of bricks coz your body has no clue how to fight it off before you get "sick".

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Do NOT ever use any liquid or wet wipe on an SM-57. Directly under the screen lies a very thin foam piece that around the edges sits very close to the diaphgram and any moisture, especially from a sanitizing solution that contains alcohol or hex, could damage the diaphgram.

Leave it alone.

Sorry Bob, no offense intended but you gave bad information related to this specific mic. Hope you don't hold it against my avitar


Did someone say to use liquid or wring out a "wet wipe"?


If the shoe fits....... (horse shoe that is)

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Did someone say to use liquid or wring out a "wet wipe"?

If the shoe fits....... (horse shoe that is)



The most common (by far) sanitizing wipes or sprays are wet. Other people read this forum too Bob, and most do not read minds as well as you might suppose. It would be uncool for somebody to read what you have posted and damage their otherwise perfectly good mic, eh?


Looks to me like the shoe is your size, not mine.

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