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My wife threw away my pedals!!!!!RRRRGGGG!


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I was in the process of building a pedalboard to play at church. I had the pedals in a box for storage , she threw them out by mistake cleaning the utility room. I lost the following -digitech main squeeze,ds-1, crybaby classic, SD-1, dod chrous. new set of gold inline tuners,jackplate and neckplate. I'm TOTALY BUMMED as I worked for a year collecting this stuff up at a price that I could afford, they were all used but no way can I afford to buy them new,I know replacing them isnt gonna be as cheap. Anyone have any cheap pedals that would help get me started again? - I'm not looking for a handout just hopeing some of you guys have a few pedals similar (no dano's or beringer) to what I lost eg. chrous,overdrive,compressor that you dont use or have much money into and can make me a good deal on. Thanks guys.

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hey I totally have an SD-1 up for grabs, I'm only asking $35! Also, I wouldnt do anything malicious. Honest mistake, but I wouldnt let it slide either, She should've looked in the box before throwing it out. Reasonable solution, she helps pay to replace. IMO.

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My mum has, in the past:


1. Dropped a Korg M1 down the stairs causing it to forget everything it ever knew.

2. Superglued a Marshall Guvnor overdrive shut in the 'On' position.

3. Cleaned a Yamaha DX11 and Atari ST with washing-up liquid.


However, I still love her dearly.


Thank you for your time.

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