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protools farm card


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i posted this in the recording forum, but since i make electronic music with soft synths, i would like to know what this forum thinks:


what good would a protools dsp farm card do for me? would i be able to use it on it's own with logic or digital performer, or is it best if i host it with protools?


i've seen them on ebay pretty cheap, but i don't fully understand them. i have a g4 450 mhz and i would like to take some stress off the sytem.


is there a big difference between the mix card and the farm card?


would this benefit me in any way since i make electronic music? would i get a better track count, better synths, and better effects?


would i need a digi i/o or could i still use my motu 828?

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Unfortunately, the Digi DSP farm card will do little on it's own.


You would first need a Mix core card (which controls the central mixer for Pro Tools and communicates with additional cards) and a Digi interface (like the 888, or ADAT bridge if you had external converters). Third party interfaces do not work with PT unless they were designed to interface directly with a Mix core card (Apogee made a direct interface for the AD8000...etc.)


The system was designed to work with Pro Tools software....but Logic and DP can be used as the front end to Digi hardware using the DAE (digidesign audio engine) preferences within the programs.


The farm cards are pretty old and support is dwindling....


If you are interested in jumping on the PT bandwagon....you might want to consider saving up for HD/Accel for the longevity and support.



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how much should it cost today for a used farm card, mix card and the 882 interface?


i've been looking into a processor upgrade for my g4, the 1ghz upgrades are only $250.


i have heard problems about the uad-1 like it won't "print the effects" to track, you only hear them and you have to record externally somehow... Is this true?


the powercore seems pretty expensive, but i have looked into it a bit and i would prefer it over the uad anyday. since it can use softsynths like the virus one they got for it...


another reason that i was looking at the digi stuff is because it seems pretty stable and, it may not be the newest stuff out there, but it would still be a welcome addition to my setup... anything to get my system running smoother would be nice! plus i wouldn't mind even using the protools interface and getting familiar with it.

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Actually, the Virus softsynth started out for MIX systems, so... there ya' go.


The 882 sounds pretty poopy, as does the 888. The 888|24's merely okay.


The "print effects to track" is due to your host app, I believe. ProTools supports AudioSuite plugins for this purpose alone. Conveniently enough, if you chose Logic, it will also support AudioSuite "print effects to track", but only with TDM hardware... like a MIX system.

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Originally posted by BOBA JFET

Just out of curiosity, how much would a protools HD system cost? Let's say it's a fairly basic system with the core card, one HD accel card, and the 96k audio I/O.

All List Prices:


ProTools|HD1: $8k

Digidesign 96I/O: $2k


Of course, there aren't too many people who buy the most basic PT rig. Most snag at least an HD2 Accel, which is $11k. Their 192I/O is $4k, but you'll also have to buy special XLR or TRSD-SUB cables, which are about $95 each. You'll also end up buying a bunch of TDM plugins, as a PT rig isn't of much use without them.


Street prices aren't gonna be more than around 15% off.


Most people will tell ya' "Yeah, ProTools will run you about fifteen grand to start."


With a larger system and ICON controller, it's not uncommon for PT rigs to jump into the $150k range.


Now is the time where the naysayers and Digi haters start ranting like lunatics.

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Originally posted by audacity works

The 882 sounds pretty poopy, as does the 888. The 888|24's merely okay.

The "print effects to track" is due to your host app, I believe. ProTools supports AudioSuite plugins for this purpose alone. Conveniently enough, if you chose Logic, it will also support AudioSuite "print effects to track", but only with TDM hardware... like a MIX system.



do you mean "poopy" as in "poop"?





does anyone have a powercore that could explain some of the ways that it interfaces with your daw?


i know it's proabably like comparing apples and robotic killer puppies, but how does a powercore system compare to a mix system?

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