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Whats up with all the ebay links


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I have no problem with someone trying to sale his or her guitar through all channels necessary, but when are the mods going to control the link post, especialy to ebay. I come to HC for a list of great guitars not listed on auction; and I understand this to be a site for musicians. That means that the For Sale forum should reflect that. I don

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I have no problem with someone trying to sale his or her guitar through all channels necessary, but when are the mods going to control the link post, especialy to ebay. I come to HC for a list of great guitars not listed on auction; and I understand this to be a site for musicians. That means that the For Sale forum should reflect that. I don

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Here's the thing....

I don't mind if someone tries here to sell their gear, and on page 3, post #42, they say, ok...enough tire kicking bull{censored}ters....now on ebay....then post a link.

I think gardners2 was referring to the threads that we have had this week where the thread opens on post#1 to an ebay auction.... which I agree, is bull{censored}.

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cuz oftentimes, it's MUCH easier to move gear on ebay than it is here. how many multi-bumped posts eventually end with this announcement:

"nighttime bump. i've received
pm's but no takers. is no one interested in my 1992 fender custom shop eric clapton strotocaster signed and played by eric clapton himself??!! he even packed it and will personally deliver it to your doorstep himself!!! he will even jam with you and give you a guitar lesson tonight if you pm me!!! it's from his personal collection. last price drop. $150. come on people. i started out at $500. i can't go any lower this this...eric would kill me! are you kidding me? nobody?! eric clapton, delivery, guitar lesson? no one? well F you then!! dammit. if no one replies by midnight tonight, it's off to EVILBAY!!"

sound familiar? that's why!!! hell i'm just as guilty as the next harmony-central member for dragging my feet on actually purchasing an item after i expressed interest in said item.

however, i think the majority of people who post links here and on ebay would end the auction early for a forumite wuth a good offer. i could be wrong.



I see this reason and understand it. I don't mind the ebay link to be an after thought I just hate it when ou click on a post/ad and find a link and thats it. I have tried offering on post and gotten replies that inform me to follow the auction. If you are going to post on this site be prepared to sale here and to negotiate a little. There should be a little more intergrity to a post on this site. MOST people follow it and that is why it works. It just seems like more and more... and more ebay links are just using this forum as another way to dierct traffic to their post. Believe me, if you ad. your gear right on ebay you will get traffic, so do not bother me with your for sale {censored}. AND a lot of those doing it are ones that are making a living from selling guitars online at prices a tad to high.

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Here's the thing....

I don't mind if someone tries here to sell their gear, and on page 3, post #42, they say, ok...enough tire kicking bull{censored}ters....now on ebay....then post a link.

I think gardners2 was referring to the threads that we have had this week where the thread opens on post#1 to an ebay auction.... which I agree, is bull{censored}.



Right on!

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I see this reason and understand it. I don't mind the ebay link to be an after thought I just hate it when ou click on a post/ad and find a link and thats it. I have tried offering on post and gotten replies that inform me to follow the auction. If you are going to post on this site be prepared to sale here and to negotiate a little. There should be a little more intergrity to a post on this site. MOST people follow it and that is why it works. It just seems like more and more... and more ebay links are just using this forum as another way to dierct traffic to their post. Believe me, if you ad. your gear right on ebay you will get traffic, so do not bother me with your for sale {censored}. AND a lot of those doing it are ones that are making a living from selling guitars online at prices a tad to high.




i hear ya. makes sense.

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Let me let people that don't trade here very often in on a secret that those of us who do a {censored}load of buying and selling here already know.

We know that {censored} sells for more on ebay.
Shhhh!!!! I know newbies think this is a big secret.

What newbies also forget to keep track of is how much that ebays intial fee, the highlight, the border, the picture package, and the final auction fees cost, and if they grabbed a calculator, they'll find out that their guitar that they just sold on ebay for $350 via pay pal.... is going to put about the same dough in their pocket as the $300 they would have sold it for on Harmony Central with no expenses or commission to pay.

Conversely, the veterans here (myself included) always get a good chuckle when {censored} here is trying to be sold at high-end ebay pricing..... Another secret...we know if you successfully sell your {censored} here that you didn't pay ebay fees, and just sold for free so we (the buyers) expect to absord that savings.... and don't plan on letting you (the seller) pocket that extra money.

While I'm on a roll..... has anyone here ever bought {censored} from a seller that says "I'll accept pay pal if the buyer pays & eats the 3% fee"..... when a seller tells me this.... I usually offer them something to eat, and it's not a fee.

When I see this on here....its a red flag that someone is usually asking more than ebay, and more like "guitar show" pricing, and for paying them instantly, you get the privilage of eating their pay pal fees.....

Maybe things are different in other parts of the country, but in the good ole' midwest, if a retail store, which accepted credit cards had a sign above their counter that said "We'll let you pay us instantly with Visa, Mastercard, or Discover" as long as you cover the fee...they'd be in business around here about 2 days....

Bottom line, money transfer fees are the sellers responsibility. Build it into your price, charge $25 extra, and offer free shipping....whatever.... do something more creative than to put right in the ad "3% fee covered by the buyer if you use pay pal." During this Tanked economy/Douche Administration I would be giving buyers all the incentives I could to buy..... when I see that someone is making me pay a fee for getting my money to them instantly....I click off the ad immediately. Its a total turn off.

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I sorta agree with the OP, but I also know from experience that some buyers on THIS forum feel safer purchasing a guitar off of eBay and are appreciative for the eBay head's up.


I sell on eBay sometimes and more often than not I price my stuff here the same as I would on eBay....HOWEVER, when I list here shipping is free to the lower 48.

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Not to mention, posting ebay auctions is against HC policy. And I quote...

" Welcome to the HC Classified Forums! Please Read!
Welcome to the HC Classified forums! You've found a killer source for satisfying your GAS (that's Gear Acquisition Syndrome for the n00bz), and hopefully you'll follow these rules and tips to make sure your transactions are successful.


1. Please post your ad in the appropriate forum. Pretty self-explanatory. If I see your drums in the bass forum, I will move it to the right place. If you post accidentally in the wrong forum, let me know and I'll move it.

2. NO COMMERCIAL SPAM! Sorry retailers, this isn't the place for you. That also goes for advertising your ebay, Amazon, or other auctions/sales. Spam will be deleted and the user who posts it will receive a temporary ban."

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Yeah but aren't "the rules" more like suggested guidelines? I think of them kind of the same as speeding ~ as long as everyone is doing it - then it's cool.



Yeah! A brother at heart. All of them doing 80MPH down I81, then the fog bank, and the resulting 78 car pileup.


WAY 2 cool.

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Well the way I see it all comes down to this (allow me to hop on my soap box) - unfortunately a lot of hc bretheren have been screwed on deals here. Regular HC adds that show pretty pix and all the right info - it happens. While the majority of deals are pretty cool when it happens we all get a bit worried because were all gear whores at heart.

We have lots of newbs with little HC feedback joining all the time (welcome to HC newbs) glad to see you and your stuff!

If I see an add for an ebay item on HC and it's something I might think I need it gives me a little extra incentive to check out the persons Ebay feedback/history and location. If it looks good I might hit them up for an off Ebay sale (also against the rules) I personally think Ebay adds are fine as long as the have a F/A in the title and rules for the most part are meerly suggestions.

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There are a few good deals here anymore but like the previous poster said, a couple have gone down in a bad rash apparently making people skittish lately. Ebay w/paypal at least has some stability for a bad transaction, at least more so than here. I have also seen quite a few prices here lately that arent competitive with comparitive ebay items. Some of these items would have sold as they probably get quite a few hits but if someone is firm on the price, why wouldnt you go to ebay and get it for $50 or whatever less? If someone wants to move something quick and avoid ebay prices and lists here with a good price, that item has the potential to move very quickly. Its just a matter of how badly that person wants to sell/buy something.

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Bottom line, money transfer fees are the sellers responsibility. Build it into your price, charge $25 extra, and offer free shipping....whatever.... do something more creative than to put right in the ad "3% fee covered by the buyer if you use pay pal." During this Tanked economy/Douche Administration I would be giving buyers all the incentives I could to buy..... when I see that someone is making me pay a fee for getting my money to them instantly....I click off the ad immediately. Its a total turn off.



I think charging the other end for paypal fee's is fair. There are other ways you can pay me, I am not a store, if I was I would most certainly cover the fee's but I am not. And if you want to wait while your check clears or go to the post office get a M/O that would be fine. But if you use paypal you are gtting what you want quicker too...

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Agree about the eBay ad links - hate em!

As far as PayPal fees, I don't have a problem with sellers doing this. they do need to understand that a lot of potential buyers are put off by this. For me, I just calculate the 3% fee and decide if the total price is what I can pay. It's a zero sum game.

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I just really need to sell my guitar. People don't have experience with Gadow less with this model and it is amazing and that's what I'm trying to emphasize. I don't have experience with forums, I think communities are great online or off but lay off me I'm starving. Check out my ebay link! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200244210725

See that's not to piss anybody off or cuz i'm a salesman. I'm a musician in the position of passing down a beautiful instrument. I respect your community I apologize for infringing on the rules.. did I mention this gadow is amazing?


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