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Finding a personal Voice. help a young un!


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I'm a guitarist of a 1 year and a half. I've come pretty far, technicaly speaking, and stylisticly I'm devloping as well. but I come here and listen to your clips, some of the the old fogies have such beautiful and imidiately recognizable styles (r0g3r, funky, Scott, Jim, Rob Quail...). Is this the kind of thing you consiously work on, or does it only come with time?


I want to Devlope a recognizable style...


what say you?

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From my personal experience, you really never stick to one style. You don't suddenly write something and say 'That's it!'. You are always developing, always progressing. Of course, the further you go, the more individual your music sounds. But one is always looking for new ways to express oneself.

My advice is to listen to as much music as you can, of many different styles. Consciously or subconsciously, you assimilate what you hear, and often things will creep into your music that you would never have expected. Just go with the flow, and keep writing.

Finding your style is really exactly that. It's your style, and you have to find it.

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well, I belive what you say is true. but, to use funky as an example, when you hear a cyber jam he is on as soon as he begins playing you can say "hey, thats funky!"

same is true with many professional guitarist... Gilmour, Clapton, YJM, Satch, Vai, Miles Davis, Hendrix, SRV, Petrucci... and all the other countless greats. They sound like themselves. I sound like me, but in a more generic way. I mean to say, I sound good (to me), but I'm not gonna make people say "hey, thats ninjaaron."

mabey I have more style than I think, but I don't see it (my friends think I'm good, but that is because I'm from a small town and nobody else really tries to be anything but a punk rocker). that is really my goal as a lead guitarist (not my only goal as a musician), to develope a style to a recognizable point. and to develop my technical skill and hearing to a point that my true style will shine through uninhibeted

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Personal style takes time only for one reason.

It takes years of learning all the licks and performing them to be able to think of your own melody and then phrase it the way you heard it.

You dont work on style, or taiste. It comes on its on at its own pace.

I think alot of the times a persons style depends (or is modified) by what they are playing or listening too at the time.

I have had people say i sound like all kinds of people. I dont hear it myself, except maybe a lil bit of santana sometimes. But even those oppinions are subjective to what they listen too.

And Some people WANT to be recognizable by their tone or phrases. I think its the kiss of death for anyone doing covers since you HAVE to be a chameleon tonewise to copy other artists.

I heard a dude say one time "Kid, if you want a style and sound al your own then lock yourself in a room without a tv or radio for a year....."

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