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suggestions about practicing scales

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hi everybody its doctor nick... lol...

i realy need some help on this matther... heres the problem

i need to practice scales but should i practice major and after i finish it all in all keys psotions etc. then go on a minor keys, harm. min etc.


should i practice maj. min. harm and mel .minors all together for example shold i do Cmaj Cmin, Charmmin and melmin

in one positiond a day all through the neck then all the other keys

one more thing when practicing should i practice 3 notes epr string box and 4 n.p.s paterns or something else. like someone said on some other thread theres so many things one can easily get lost in all of it...

thanx ...

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Really there isn't "one way" to do anything.

I say spend some time on each way as you need to view them every which way you can. Each way will spawn different connections for you...and hopefully at some point everything will come together as one.

Think "there's never only one way" with everything you do. This will avoid ruts, help you learn things from all sorts of angles, etc...

That my advice.

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i am aware of that fact, believe me...
but thats exactly my point in this ...how should i put it?...
doing all tha things may just misslead you in a way, cause there is the right way i think + extra things that should come as build up on the good grounds...

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I think it's great to learns everything on the whole neck, but take it one step at a time.

Two scales that are very useful for a blues guitarist are the E minor pentatonic and the A minor pentatonic. Why not make it your mission to know them REALLY well, in all modes?

This should make you confident enough to move on to other keys!

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Originally posted by puppets_dream

hi everybody its doctor nick... lol...

i realy need some help on this matther... heres the problem

i need to practice scales but should i practice major and after i finish it all in all keys psotions etc. then go on a minor keys, harm. min etc.


should i practice maj. min. harm and mel .minors all together for example shold i do Cmaj Cmin, Charmmin and melmin

in one positiond a day all through the neck then all the other keys

one more thing when practicing should i practice 3 notes epr string box and 4 n.p.s paterns or something else. like someone said on some other thread theres so many things one can easily get lost in all of it...

thanx ...

Break it down and focus on what you need for the style you want to play. If you want to play blues you aren't going to have much use for things like the harmonic minor scale for example.

I'd suggest for most applications you're best off knowing the 5 'CAGED' patterns for major and pentatonic and the 7, 3 note per-string major patterns built off each degree of the scale.

For exotic scales i tend to just think of them as altered major scales - which i guess they are. If you know your major scale and the notes within it well enough it's not *too* hard to deliberately sharp or flatten particular notes to get other scales (visualising things that way does the trick for me anyway).

IMO 4 note per-string patterns are a little pointless due to the way the guitar is tuned and some people physically can't do it anyway. Probably something to look at when you've mastered CAGED positions, and the 7 'modal' patterns (which has kept me busy for 12 years and counting ;):p )

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i usually run through the major scale and its patterns and then i switch to the melodic minor and its patterns, and then harmonic minor and its patterns.

of course if you wanted to do same position different scale that's ok too, but make sure you get all 7 patterns in! (yeah, modes).

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thx a lot guys...
i cans say that i already did major in all keys and 3 N.P.S. paterns all positions. i talked with my ex professor and he sugested to me to start woring on modes in major and after that i will do other keys...what you think about that?
plus arpeggios and chords for alla that?
it will take some time surely but my favorite band is dream theater...
should i say more?:D
of course i dont think i will be able to achieve that level of palying ability but... thats the kind of music i wanna play so i will need more than pentatonics...

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