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Let;s hear you play over this...Footprints...backing track included

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I put this together about a week ago for another site. We had about 10 or 12 players jump all over it.


Be adventurous as about any style of playing fits over it well.


I recorded this backing to it. Everything is one time through so there's a couple of questionable spots but just use your intuition and you'll stay on track just fine.


Here's a link to the lead sheet with the chords and the head.


The turnaround on the sheet is | D7 | D7 | Db7 | Db7 |...


at certain times (like a god jazzboy should) I used this instead...| D7 | Ab7 | Db7 | G7 |



Footprints Backing Tracking


Here's one without bass, for the adventerous bassists


Here's my take, I tried to play out of style...one time through...sounds like puke I know.


Give it a try, and be adventurous. And have fun with it.

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Could you give some advice on how to record us playing over the progression? I would have to play the backing on my pc speakers and then record off that and my playing at the same time. What program do you use? Or do you have any advice on the subject?


Also, Did you make that backing track yourself? If so, THANK YOU!!!. I know it can be very time consuming and sometimes even boring to create backing tracks. Nice job man. Thanks a lot.

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Originally posted by red|dragon

Do you plug your guitar directly into your pc?



You can, but...ydo you have a preamp, modeler, or amy amp that has a Preamp Out/Direct Out/Line Out/FX Send?


Any one of those will be better than directly plugging into the sound card. Some better than others but better than guitar into card.

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Originally posted by red|dragon


Could you give some advice on how to record us playing over the progression? I would have to play the backing on my pc speakers and then record off that and my playing at the same time. What program do you use? Or do you have any advice on the subject?

Also, Did you make that backing track yourself? If so, THANK YOU!!!. I know it can be very time consuming and sometimes even boring to create backing tracks. Nice job man. Thanks a lot.



Yes, I made the backing myself. It was a ay to practice all those jazz voiceings...with the 11 's and #11's and sus11-ish stuff. And various other stuff.


It was one time through on the rhythm guitar and the bass too. It's as is.

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Not the greatest, but here is first take... I try, that's why I hang around this place to try to find new avenues...great job on the backing and I think your solo was awesome, reminiscent of Jeff Beck




My rig was POD 2.0 Brit Classic emulation into Cakewalk, Strat on Neck PU


Edit: I did a second take this morning... just because I wanted to do some chromatic noodling on the D7 change... I think the first one is better but oh well I did a second one too

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jazzbo, I liked how you altered the timing of the melody so you land on a different beat. Both nice work, I'll post one of mine if I get around to it. I've never played Footprints that slowly, or with that sort of style backing. It should be a good challenge.

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Hi, thanks for the backing track gennation, it was lots of fun to play over. :)


Both takes sounded fantastic, and jazzbo did such a great job taking off from the melody that I just left the normal melody out, but tried to keep it pretty tuneful...


I basically just followed the chords, with a few melodic minor and diminished ideas, and a pretty altered sound over the D7 and Db7. The chords I played were generally quartals. Most chord subs were tritones like gennation suggested or pentatonic subs (e.g. Gm Pent over the Cm7).


This was a first take as well, so listen with a grain of salt, but I had fun, that's the main thing! :)


Keen to hear more takes,



EDIT: Sorry, the attachment didn't work... I'll figure something out...

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Originally posted by Neilsonite

Hi, thanks for the backing track gennation, it was lots of fun to play over.

Both takes sounded fantastic, and jazzbo did such a great job taking off from the melody that I just left the normal melody out, but tried to keep it pretty tuneful...

I basically just followed the chords, with a few melodic minor and diminished ideas, and a pretty altered sound over the D7 and Db7. The chords I played were generally quartals. Most chord subs were tritones like gennation suggested or pentatonic subs (e.g. Gm Pent over the Cm7).

This was a first take as well, so listen with a grain of salt, but I had fun, that's the main thing!

Keen to hear more takes,



Hey Nelson you miss posting the link!


jazzbo, I'll check your take out in a bit. I'm doing some DVD work and need my audio stuff for it. I'll comment when I hear it.


Thanks for taking a pass over it.

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Originally posted by jazzbo

Not the greatest, but here is first take... I try, that's why I hang around this place to try to find new avenues...great job on the backing and I think your solo was awesome, reminiscent of Jeff Beck

My rig was POD 2.0 Brit Classic emulation into Cakewalk, Strat on Neck PU

Edit: I did a second take this morning... just because I wanted to do some chromatic noodling on the D7 change... I think the first one is better but oh well I did a second one too



Way to go jazz! Nice tone, phrasing, bluesy feel. It's a fun tune to play all kinds of different stuff over. Thanks for taking the time.


EDIT the second was nice with breathing room between notes, and the blues v/s chromatic v/s altered stuff you had going on...

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Originally posted by Poparad

Here are my takes:



My upright is getting some repairs done right now, so I used my Carvin bass instead.


Dang Pop...excellent! There was a couple of times I said "nice" out loud.


Way to back up all the talk :)


Fretless too! Awesome. That put a smile on my face. Has the Pat Martino version vibe to it with the fretless. I might post this at another site where no ones tried the bassless version yet. Of course I'll tell thm it's me ;) haha j/k

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Originally posted by gennation

Dang Pop...excellent! There was a couple of times I said "nice" out loud.

Way to back up all the talk

Fretless too! Awesome. That put a smile on my face. Has the Pat Martino version vibe to it with the fretless. I might post this at another site where no ones tried the bassless version yet. Of course I'll tell thm it's me
haha j/k



Heh, heh. Thanks for the compliments. :) I dig the blues vibe of yours, and the fourths/pentatonic thing around 2:00. Nice guitar tone.

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Originally posted by Neilsonite

Hey Poparad, beautiful playing, really tasty! I loved your use of chords throughout, it sounded fantastic...

Since attaching a file seems not to work, I followed jazzbo's example and set up
Putfile site...



Very nice man. Great minor feel to it, like minor swing :)


Sounded great.

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Poparad, very nice. I like those chords with the close-spaced intervals in them, nice tone and use of volume swells, overall your playing is very tasty.


Neilsonite, very good playing as well, I like those fast picking runs, overall classic bluesy and had a nice touch, very clean in your performance.


BTW, thanks Red|Dragon, I'm learning something from this place.

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:cool: Sota


Yeah, You rock and blues guys out there, should give it a shot. Just because it's a "jazz" song doesn't mean you can't crank the distortion and whale. :D


I have exams all this week, but I'll post something afterwards.


Keep em coming guys! All are very inspiring!


gen, every month you should pick a song and make this kind of thread about it. maybe next time pick something a little more upbeat with a latin flavor :p

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Hey, nice job you guys. I'm enjoying this.


You are all sounding really good.


I played over the track but you guys are a step above me.


And that's a great track for jamming, Gennation.


Thanks for sharing.



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Ok, I just made this quick clip with my Roland MicroCube amp. I enjoyed playing over the track. The middle-part gets a bit weird and hard to maintain key, but I think I fumbled through it. I found I could use the minor pentatonic in the key of F# and A# as well as the Ionian scale around A# tonic. For the intro, I found some cool notes outside of those scale patterns that made for an interesting contrast. I revisit those periodically. If any of this makes no sense it's only because I have no idea what the {censored} I'm talking about. I mean, I think I am expressing these ideas correctly, but I am such an intuitive guitarist and have just begun taking lessons that I only have an ounce of theory knowledge. I am going to work very hard to learn more. I have learned a lot the last couple weeks with the people here, actually.


Anyhow, here is the clip.



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