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Hand injuries that hinder your playing?


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Has anyone else had or have injuries that takes away from your guitar playing? I have a pinky that I broke badly ( completely blue, purple and numb for a week) about 5 years ago and foolishly never went to the doctor.


It probably needed surgery, but instead, it healed itself with a huge lump of scar tissue near the middle knuckle. I still cant bend it properly and it gets stiff and sore when I'm using my pinkie a lot while playing.


I went to the doctor recently and asked if he could do anything, and he said that it'd probably be even more stiff if I had surgery to remove the scar tissue. Keep in mind this is the pinky on my fretting hand.



So Im wondering if it's worth it to try and have the surgery or just deal with it? Has anyone else had anything similar?...or some injury that affects your playing? :wave:

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I get debilitating string cuts on my index finger. This happens every time I get impatient and use slides as a substitute for good melodic positioning. Fortunately I'm the only one dependent on my guitar wizardry. Needless to say I have learned that a little self discipline goes a long way.

I forgot about you question!:D
Surgery seems the best solution if you can find the right sugeon/procedure; certainly not the one you cited. Take heart though, there's a lot of advanced stuff that can happen these days.

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I was adopted by freaks as a baby and there idea of keeping you from cralling into rooms they did'nt want you in was stomping on your hands. All fingers broken multiple times before I could walk. Needless to say, as I grew up and entered adulthood I've had a tendency to fight, alot. Broken knuckles, lots of them. Plus I've worked with my hands my whole life. X-rays showed all the breaks from infancy, {censored}ers. Tossed me out when I was 14 for fighting back. Now I'm almost 40 and my hands and fingers are unique to say the least. I always hide them when pictures are being taken. When people see me play guitar or bass they can't believe I can play at all with these twisted things. It makes me very selfconscious. I say just deal with it, I might not be as good a player with these hands but I'm good enough to make my have fun doing it. It's not how many notes you play, it's how you play them.

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I have two problems.

One is my pinky when I use it too much as a barre to make an "A" shape up the neck. If it is slightly tender one day, then I'll morph over to using the ring finger instead to hold down those three strings.

The other ailment is a twinge in the joint of my thumb when I use it to pressure down barre chords. Noticed it after pinting my house too much. My painting days are coming to an end, I've decided.

None of these things are excruciating and I just deal with them. But I can see arthritis in store for me in the future.

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I have a cervical spine injury that resulted in pinched nerves. The spinal problem required surgery, but there was no way to attempt to deal with the pinched nerves without having 4 levels of my neck fused. That might or might not have ended up helping (no way to know without doing the irreversible procedure) but the known result would have been my neck becoming completely immobile.
The result of all of this is that a few muscles are weak or no longer work and I have arthritis. My left hand is the worst off, and I

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My left hand was badly burnt in a caravan fire when I was a child, so that my ring finger and pinky are almost entirely unusable, except for some small barre shapes. I've had to make do with just an index and middle finger to fret with, but hey, I'm still pretty much the best guitarist who ever lived...

Oh wait, that was Django. Still, talk about an inspiration.

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I have a condition called trigger finger. in lay terms, i means my finger locks then pops loose. No doubt its an over use type of thing. It tends to loosen up after playing for a few minutes ,, but goes back into the trigger finger deal evey am ....its getting worse. I guess its a pretty easy fix ,, surgery under a local. Has anyone had a trigger finger surgery . What can I expect? How long will i be off playing and motorcycle riding. rat

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