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Looking for help on starting 8 finger tapping


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I do this occasionally, both the Satch-like chordal stuff and the scalar soloing type. With the scalar approach, I would suggest that you pull off downwards(towards the floor) with all fingers except the pinkie, which you'll pull off upwards. I found that method to be very effective, although I'm sure an all hammer-on approach would be the most effective of all, but it's extremely difficult to do.


To learn the scalar type, just use a metronome and tap chromatic lines on one string, hammering on and pulling off with all fingers. Your goal should be to get the same sound hammering on as you get from pulling off, and you'll also want to get the timing exactly right. It should sound like you're just doing normal legato, only with a gigantic left hand.


Once you're comfortable with the aforementioned motions, get the book red|dragon recommended, it's got a chapter on 8-finger tapping.


If it's more chordal-type tapping, just experiment, that's what I did. Do this long enough, and you should come up with some great licks and phrases.

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