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Busoni scale


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I don't remember what he called it but it was the one that stuck with me out of a bunch. Have used it for 30 years and wish I could find the source material. Has anyone seen it under a different name like the Hungarian Gypsy H.P. Lovecraft Lydian Flatted Fifth Conundrum Scale????????:)

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As a heptatonic scale, it's very odd. In fact, it's not a mode of any scale I have ever seen so far.

What's unusual is the two consecutive tone-and-half intervals... I know there are heptatonic scales with two 3/2 intervals, but never close to each other. If I remember correctly, in harmony the largest tetrachord (4 consecutive notes of a scale) considered usable is 6 semitones, while in this scale there are two tetrachords of 7 semitones (133 and 331).

This is not really a problem at all, but it makes the scale look more like it has a non-mentioned note in the middle of that large 33 interval which is "skipped" (probably a perfect 4th), and that the minor 3rd is a "passage note" like in blues.

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