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Video Lesson 2-5-09 - Sweep Picking Etude

Mark Wein

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Here is this weeks lesson. We're continuing our sweep picking lesson series with a short piece of music that you can use to sharpen your skills.




My first weekly live lesson webcast went well this week...not only did we work on alternate picking but some of the questions asked got us on the subjects of feeling time while soloing, hybrid picking, rhythm guitar and "playing with feeling". We even did a Stevie Ray Vaughan type lick at the end.


You can see the recorded show and the chat transcript here: http://markweinguitarlessons.com/forums/showthread.php?p=35965#post35965


The show schedule and list of lessons can be found at http://markweinguitarlessons.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2151


Next week we should be working on hammer-ons an pull-offs but I'll stay open for questions, too!!



As always I can be found throughout the week at http://www.mwglforums.com

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