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Get your ya ya's out..........


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Stomias man I love your stuff! Killer. Your recording technique takes me back to my earliest influence -tony Iommi - specifically the way he used to overdub a completely different solo on top of another. Such a cool sound. I am almost afraid to take a crack at that track! I don't think I could prevent myself from shredding like a 16 year old!

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Stomias man I love your stuff! Killer. Your recording technique takes me back to my earliest influence -tony Iommi - specifically the way he used to overdub a completely different solo on top of another. Such a cool sound. I am almost afraid to take a crack at that track!
I don't think I could prevent myself from shredding like a 16 year old!


You say that like it's a bad thing!..do it! :rawk:

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