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There is something very wrong with a 50 year old Dan Aykroyd singing the blues


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Yes, there is something wrong with it today. Dan Aykroyd leaves me feeling that he's trivializing the blues in everything blues related he does any more. I hate that he has to become the near cartoon caharecter of Elwood Blues for the House of Blues Radio hour. The music should not need that crap to stand up. And actually some of the stuff he puts on the air during HOB radio hour sucks. Theres a lot of good blues out there, stop wasting peoples times with the sucky stuff, it's not any better just because he does a funny voice to do the intros.


It also hit me today while mowing the lawn, theres some music I should leave to be done by othere. I've never been down to the cross roads to sell my soul. Never had a single hell hound on my trail, can't even remember the last to I was harresed by {censored} Zu as far as that goes. Never been tied to a whipping post.


But I have drank beer, and chased women, sometimes at the same time even. Been beat down by the jobs I've had and the women I;ve cauget, and some I haven't. Right now I'm playing with a 60's-70's style Honky Tonk band, it's a damn nice fit.

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Ackroyd is nothing more or less than a complete and total advocate of old blues. On his radio shows he is the first to give credit where credit is due. If you don't like his rendition of the blues, at least give him credit for introducing some very old players to a new audience.



In fact, most of the artists that Dan has reintroduced to the populous are artists that, for the most part, are even older than Dan himself.

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I saw them flop the first time on TV last year .


A lot of it had to do with the white guy leisure slacks they were wearing, the kind with the fabric strip thats made to look like a belt with the snap on the end that comes across the waist. They looked like they could have come off one of those gay guy home decorating shows to sing the blues.


they looked like they had this really weird fascination with how much fun they were having but still knowing they sucked at the same time .


maybe they have the blues about being rich white guys that are now too rich to really sing the blues and now they suck and are painfully over dressed much like that band from Boston Aero Sellout.

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