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Willy Wonka, I can't wait!

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Originally posted by catalinbread

Sorry Gainster I couldn't resist a spinoff thread of my very own!

No seriously I don't usually get excited about movies. Unless it is that nasty muckraking type or whatnot. Of course I love the original a ton. So this one has a lot of living up to do. I am looking forward to it!



The original is one of my favorite movies ever. I still drool everytime they enter the room made of candy with the chocolate river. And that song kills me.

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Being a big fan of the original, and the book and all things Roald Dahl in general, I'm a little leary of the remake. The presence of Johnny Depp does give me hope though. We shall just have to see.

And by the way for anyone who has never read Roald Dahl's adult fiction, get to the book store now, right now and find some. Very very good stuff, and qquiet a bit of risque too.

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Johnny rules for having been in a band with Gibby Haynes of the Butthole Surfers.

It is weird that this movie's title is slightly different than the other, though from what I understand it is more in line with the book.

I just wonder if it will take as much time for Charlie to win and get in the factory as the original (isn't that about 1/2 the movie?)

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Originally posted by Sir H C

I just wonder if it will take as much time for Charlie to win and get in the factory as the original (isn't that about 1/2 the movie?)



Good question. I suppose at the time of the original they were more into character development than special effects and set design. The whimsical Wonka World is what we all love. The second Wonka loses his cane is where it begins kickin. We understand that Charlie was a good poor kid, lets get on with it! The two sets of grandparents in the same bed always disturbed me.

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"The suspense is killing me....I hope it doesn't end." Wilder was perfect as the subtle Wonka. No one will ever stand in his boots or have the pure magic that he did. Depp and Burton are insane to try such a remake that his still fresh in the minds of most people. It was only 30 some odd years ago. Maybe in another 30 years a remake would seem logical and doable.

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I'm sure this will be one of those weird "disappointing box offices smashes". In all likelihood, it totally sucks, but people will cram into theatres to see it anyway.

It seems like a travesty to me ... kind of like Ron Howard's "Grinch" movie a few years back. Utter blasphemy, but it was a huge hit anyway. :confused:

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Originally posted by Thelonius

It'd be cool to be Johnny Depp. I'd live in France and hang out with Marilyn Manson all the time, and have lots of good looking ladies wanting to do it with me and play Django songs on the guitar all the time.



thats me in a nutshell!

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