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lightweight guitars?


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i want a new guitar...my tele is too heavy...great tone...not much fun for putting on a good show...


sg's are pretty light right? I think i tried one...the neck seemed heavier, causing a weird balance (or at least...i wasnt used to the balance)


and theyre pretty common...


what else can i look at? btw...no shredder-y guitars...but i thinkt hat might be a given :D

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i think finding a light guitar is all a matter of finding the right one. i've played teles, strats, LPs, SGs, and PRS' that were all heavy as {censored}, and i've played some that are amazingly light.

my old SG was heavier than my new PRS. it was a good 10 pounds. but i also played a PRS yesterday that was at least 2 pounds heavier than mine.

there's a lot of bricks out there. they're generally what you'll find at GC, though you'll find a diamond in the rough there sometimes. go play a lot of guitars, and go to better stores. you're bound to find a gem, but it might not be what you expect.

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Originally posted by Central Scrutinizer

i think finding a light guitar is all a matter of finding the right one. i've played teles, strats, LPs, SGs, and PRS' that were all heavy as {censored}, and i've played some that are amazingly light.

my old SG was heavier than my new PRS. it was a good 10 pounds. but i also played a PRS yesterday that was at least 2 pounds heavier than mine.

there's a lot of bricks out there. they're generally what you'll find at GC, though you'll find a diamond in the rough there sometimes. go play a lot of guitars, and go to better stores. you're bound to find a gem, but it might not be what you expect.



I used to have a Tele that weighed as much as a Les Paul, but my Esquire is lighter than my Thinline.

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Originally posted by ToneCarver

The Carvin Holdsworth FatBoy model is quite light .. around 6.5 pounds if i recall correctly .. it's hollow, and sounds quite nice. Big flat fingerboard though, would have to take that into consideration.



my carvin DC127 is the lightest maple/alder guitar i've ever played. i really can't explain it. most alder guitars i've played have been bricks.

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I'd say a strat or a sg is your best bet for a lightweight guitar. My current humbucking guitar is heavy as {censored}, and I don't think I want to gig with it (once I find another band that'll have me that is). And just because a guitar is hollow, doesn't mean it is necessarily light. I played this Gibson ES-175 that was heavy as {censored}. I don't remember those are semi- or fully hollow, but they're not solid. Awesome {censored}ing guitar, too bad I couldn't walk away with it.

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thanks guys...yeah i was just thinking about chambered bodies...possibly.

yes...i play on an american tele right now, one from the early 90's...very nice tone, but its like having a cement slab around your neck

hmm...ill check out those guitars...i think i can sacrifice some outright tone from the wood with a change of pickups...i guess ideally im looking for a gigging guitar, whereas my tele is for studio work. thanks a lot everyone who responded :)

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Originally posted by homestar

yes...i play on an american tele right now, one from the early 90's...very nice tone, but its like having a cement slab around your neck



those certainly are. i have yet to play a fender from the 90s that was anything but a brick. they sound great, but man are they heavy!

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