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Nintendo: Visionaries, or desperate?


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Originally posted by extremelybored

Battlefield 2 is brilliant! I suck at choppers and planes though:( !



choppers ARE very hard to learn.


here's what i did.


planes - CRANK the axis sensitivities up. the plane responds quicker when you do this. it'll almost get to be like driving a land vehicle.


choppers - set the sensitivities up a couple of clicks higher than default.


reverse the Y axis on your mouse so they both fly like planes (pull back, means the nose rises, push forward, nose drops)


then, i simply set aside an entire afternoon to practice on an empty server. i got the hang of a copter in about 45 minutes, and by the next day, i pretty much had it down tight.

but seriously - just keep hitting empty servers and trying out all air vehicles that you can. you will be good enough to do some serious damage on populated servers within a couple of hours.

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Originally posted by jcn37203

If they can keep the price reasonable, I'll buy one.

I've already chosen the PS3 over the XBox.

It's weird, I've just never felt the impulse to own an XBox. The XBox exclusive games have never really appealed to me.

Everyone drools about Halo, but you know what? Halo isn't even that good of a first person shooter. It was just the first console first person shooter that didn't suck balls. The PC has had FPS games that were lightyears better than Halo. The Halo fanatics are mostly people who hadn't played many FPS games before. I saw Halo and thought it looked boring as {censored}. Then I bought it for PC in the bargain bin just to verify my suspicion.

Yep... boring.

So I don't anticipate "needing" an XBox 360.



I agree. I bought an xbox a couple months ago to play halo 2 with friends...its ok. But I just prefer pc fps. I think after all this time I prefer Sony's stuff. But xbox live is done right. I'll give them that. I'll probably get a ps3 and not a 360.

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Originally posted by msalamander

I agree. I bought an xbox a couple months ago to play halo 2 with friends...its ok. But I just prefer pc fps. I think after all this time I prefer Sony's stuff. But xbox live is done right. I'll give them that. I'll probably get a ps3 and not a 360.



I wonder how cheap old XBoxes will be once 360 comes out.

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Originally posted by sonaboy

choppers ARE very hard to learn.

here's what i did.

planes - CRANK the axis sensitivities up. the plane responds quicker when you do this. it'll almost get to be like driving a land vehicle.

choppers - set the sensitivities up a couple of clicks higher than default.

reverse the Y axis on your mouse so they both fly like planes (pull back, means the nose rises, push forward, nose drops)

then, i simply set aside an entire afternoon to practice on an empty server. i got the hang of a copter in about 45 minutes, and by the next day, i pretty much had it down tight.

but seriously - just keep hitting empty servers and trying out all air vehicles that you can. you will be good enough to do some serious damage on populated servers within a couple of hours.

Cheers for that :) - I'd figured the reverse Y-axis thing but was thinking of reducing the sens.:rolleyes: !

I'm now working up towards Corporal and have suddenly started getting the ribbons/badges a lot more frequently!
I wish everyone would go into squads though (and stick together in them!) - it would make commanding a whole lot potent.

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Originally posted by extremelybored

Cheers for that
- I'd figured the reverse Y-axis thing but was thinking of reducing the sens.

I'm now working up towards Corporal and have suddenly started getting the ribbons/badges a lot more frequently!

I wish everyone would go into squads though (and stick together in them!) - it would make commanding a whole lot potent.

Thats always the problem with those multiplayer strategy military games. Nobody wants to follow orders, very rarely is there an organized plan of attack.

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Originally posted by Weatherbox

yeah, and any semblance of teamwork falls apart once the fighting starts. I can't tell you how many times I've been TK'ed or run over by a teammate in a vehicle while I'm capturing a flag or the like. Yo, we're nerds.



My last online battle game was BF Vietnam, which was awesome, though it totally punished my PC.


The teamwork was so horrible. Actually getting in to a vehicle as a form of transportation was just luck, most of the time someone jumped in and immediately flew off once they got a gunner.

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Originally posted by jcn37203

Thats always the problem with those multiplayer strategy military games. Nobody wants to follow orders, very rarely is there an organized plan of attack.


It's a shame, because when there are 4-5 fullish squads, the commander can actualy defend/attack multiple positions and there's none of the everyone-attacking-the-same-base-and-losing-all-the-others thing that is annoyingly prevelent:mad: !

It's all good fun though:D .

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Originally posted by extremelybored

It's a shame, because when there are 4-5 fullish squads, the commander can actualy defend/attack multiple positions and there's none of the everyone-attacking-the-same-base-and-losing-all-the-others thing that is annoyingly prevelent:mad: !

It's all good fun though:D .



They should build in to the game some sort of incentive to follow orders. Like if you're ignoring orders, you attack with less accuracy or something.


Or at least give the commander the option of using the force to choke his insubordinates.

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Originally posted by jcn37203

I love my GameCube, but it's a little hard finding awesome games for it because I find a lot of the games (Mario, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon) to be too childish. If they're going to "focus" on women and children with the next console, I'm not sure there will be enough games available for it to justify me buying it.



Just because a game is rated E and looks somewhat cartoony doesn't mean it cannot be fun.


Mario Tennis, Mario Kart, Wind Waker are amazing games.


The cube also has all the Resident Evil games, Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime 1 and 2...


I think the quality of the best games on the gamecube are WAY higher than the quality of the games on the X-Box or the PS2. The problem is there are about 12 good games. The rest are no better than the crappy games on the X-Box and PS2.


I still choose the 12 awesome games over the thousands of mediocre games on the PS2 and X-Box.

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Originally posted by jcn37203

They should build in to the game some sort of incentive to follow orders. Like if you're ignoring orders, you attack with less accuracy or something.

Or at least give the commander the option of using the force to choke his insubordinates.



You can congratulate/berate squad leaders via the commanders screen but the phrases it uses are pretty silly;) .

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I think you can get medals for following orders well, or at least doing well while following them. I suck at the game, but one time I just got lucky about 12 times in a row... squad leader had said defend a place and i was there alone while he was in a helo overhead and i shot 2 or 3 guys with anti tank missiles and then blew up two jeeps with 5 or 6 guys total in them before they could get out in about 8 seconds elapsed. It said I'd been recommended for a medal and then I got the medal of honor or something. The nice thing about missiles is that it's okay that your aim sucks, which is helpful when you like to play games while drinking.

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Originally posted by jcn37203

Thats always the problem with those multiplayer strategy military games. Nobody wants to follow orders, very rarely is there an organized plan of attack.



About half the time i play now - there's at least ONE squad that sticks together and follows a plan.

microphone comm helps a TON - if you have one, use one - the way BF2 is programmed is that the default setting of the mic talks only to your squad members..not the whole team. i think that's smart. cuts a LOT of cross chatter that's useless.

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Originally posted by jcn37203

They should build in to the game some sort of incentive to follow orders. Like if you're ignoring orders, you attack with less accuracy or something.

Or at least give the commander the option of using the force to choke his insubordinates.



there are subtle things that work out better for a team that uses teamwork - when you have a squad that sticks together - if you all pull up on a flag in a copter or armored transport, the flag capture takes mere seconds, instead of about 30, when you're on your own.


you'll notice little things like that...


you also gain badges and rank quicker when working with teammembers in vehicles/air ships, you get kill assists when someone on your transport kills someone - so say, you're in a blackhawk, and a side gunner nails a few down below - everyone who's on the copter gets a kill assist.

stuff like that...

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Originally posted by Teahead

So, that's why they made one part look like a tv control and the other like a dildo?



Post of the week.



I haven't bought anything more recent than a Super NES/Sega Genesis because the gameplay has been horrible. The graphics-intensive focus removed the fantasy element from the newer games.

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I'm sorry, but nintendo has lost it post super nintendo. Every single console since has had a goal to try and be different, and has always failed. Example:


The Nintendo 64 came out around the same time of the new generation systems that started to use cd roms instead of the old fashion cartridge (which for the cd systems meant more memory could be stored and faster data transfer as well) Nintendo, trying to be the different one on the market, released a 64bit Cartridge system, with a very unusual 3 horned pad. The pad has always been uncomfortable, and in my opinion stupid. The 64 had some alright games (like turok rage wars) but always lacked a certain something that the playstation and saturn had.

I can honestly say the only thing I think nintendo has released that had been alright in my book since the super is the gameboy advanced. Although the new castlevania coming out for the ds does look mighty sweet.

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ps2 graphics are unbearable most of the time - san andreas?

halo is a piece of {censored} just play fps games on the PC......and not {censored}ing halo!

Gamecube has mario kart, super smash bros, mario sunshine, f zero as it's own plus the graphics are better and gameplay feels smoother than ps2 whilst having all the tony hawks and sports games the others have.

I'd pretty much given up on consoles until I got a chipped xbox. Hardly any games nowadays warrant 30 pound price tags but i can load games up that cost me 1.50 off my hard drive. So yeah they'res some poor games but theres a {censored} load of racing, fighting (mercenaries) and sport games that look better than ps2's offerings and they're too cheap!

stock xboxes are lame though - reeks of piss poor design. (weight etc..)

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First of all, the new controller for the Revolution will have a port on the end of it to allow all sorts of different controllers to be attached to it. I believe they release the analog stick addon and maybe a controller shell which is a normal controller.

Anyways the neat thing is that the controller has got sensors on it that relate to the screen. Your arm can be like the characters arm in a first person shooter. Imagine having sword fights where you actually control the blade by moving the controller around. Now this is awesome for first person shooters and might bring back some developers to make mature first person shooters on the Revolution. The developers loved this controller from the footage I saw.

Nintendo is going to bring back the simplistic fun of games ala Super Nintendo and the Nintendo. The controller is super sensitive to the screen and you can do limitless things with it. In plane sims you can hold the controller like a paper airplane and turn it to turn the plane. A fishing game you can imitate the action of a fishing pole with the controller.

Amazing idea that might be the first step to the future of games as we know it.

Sure it's a big risk. Nintendo says that they need to reinterest people into video games and get more people to play otherwise video games will become less and less played by people.

In any case I think it's incredibly brave of Nintendo to take the first step forward whereas Playstation and Xbox just upgrade their dvd players and are too afraid of losing customers with a big idea like this.

Just watch after Nintendo releases the Revolution, Xbox and Playstation will follow Nintendo. :)

Thats why they kept it secret until now.

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That controller looks horrible. Of course, I've never liked the XBOX controller at all either.

I'm with JCN on the PC being the superior gaming platform. How many people in here in the last few years have had any trouble at all getting a game to run? It takes 15 minutes tops to download and upgrade video and sound drivers, which is something you should do anyways and you're good to go 95% of the time.

The superior control of the keyboard/mouse and added complexity for most PC games really take them above most stuff consoles have to offer. Beyond online play console games haven't really advanced that far since the Dreamcast in my opinion. The most modern system I own is a Nintend SP and I'm not complaing. A portable SNES is just about the coolest thing I could want.

As for superior hardware and graphics, those are things that I've always thought take a backseat to gameplay. I'm perfecly happy with 5 year old graphics as long as the game is fun to play. There has yet to be a single game for XBOX or PS2 that has made me want to go out and buy one. Most of the stuff that comes out for those has already been done on the PC or an earlier system anyways, so they're just not for me.

I just hope the increasing success of consoles doesn't continue to suck money away from PC gaming to the medium with broader appeal. I'm also not a fan of games that are designed with both platforms in mind, like several of the PC/XBOX games like Knights of the Old Republic, a game that I think would have been much better if they had designed it for the PC outright. But they have to get stuff out to the most players, so sadly I think thats what we're going to be seeing more and more of.

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