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Hey There, Mr. Robert Keeley!


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RK, I've sent you a few emails and always enjoyed and appreciated your advice, but since you switched to the new mail address, I haven't had a reply to any enquiries.:(


Anyway, I hope you see this man! I'm in need of a comp with external attack control and I was hoping you could hook me up?:cool:

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Originally posted by Teahead

Anyway, I hope you see this man! I'm in need of a comp with external attack control and I was hoping you could hook me up?

Whatever hassles you are having....it will be worth it! My comp is just killer now and my humbuckers are in heaven.

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Originally posted by Teahead

RK, I've sent you a few emails and always enjoyed and appreciated your advice, but since you switched to the new mail address, I haven't had a reply to any enquiries.

Anyway, I hope you see this man! I'm in need of a comp with external attack control and I was hoping you could hook me up?

I know RK is really swamped at the moment AND I seem to remember something about one of the servers being in Texas.
Go "old school", make that call.

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Howdy folks!
What email are you sending to? We try to answer each email within a couple days. Also, we have several spam filters that block the garbage we get....I'll look there.
AND, I'll do better this week to make sure all of your questions are answered.
Please send another email with 1 millionth attempt to get a simple email from you in the subject line. That should send me in to a panic!

oh, and tell people to stop email ing me about mods to other great pedals like the FUlltone units and ZVEX units and Digitech, and EH pedals. I have to reply to those too, but it takes time to read through and tell them why we don't mod them.... We haven't perfected anything for them, so we don't just through some caps in there and rob your $$$.

lastly, make sure you are using the FX@RKFX.COM email address.

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Hey Robert, thanks for dropping by! I appreciate how busy you guys must be, being unable to reach you is a testament to how accessible and responsive you have always been in the past.

It was using the FX@RKFX.COM email address, but no joy. Being in Ireland, phoning is a little akward too.

So, how about that comp with external attack control, can you do it? Should I just click the purchase option, plus international shipping, plus the attack mod? Or send a total amount via PayPal?

Thanks again.:cool:

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Irish folks get a discount! Didn't you know that?!?!?! (O'Keeley)

Send me an email with External attack in the subject line...
I may have answered you today already though...
I answered about 150 emails and have just about dropped dead.
Still got 250 more to go.....

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Originally posted by RossCompress

Irish folks get a discount! Didn't you know that?!?!?! (O'Keeley)

Send me an email with External attack in the subject line...

I may have answered you today already though...

I answered about 150 emails and have just about dropped dead.

Still got 250 more to go.....




You build great products, but I do not envy you on the amount of email you must answer. Chin up rk, I'll buy more in time. I'll try to keep my questions to a minimum here on this forum.

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Originally posted by RossCompress

Irish folks get a discount! Didn't you know that?!?!?! (O'Keeley)

Send me an email with External attack in the subject line...

I may have answered you today already though...

I answered about 150 emails and have just about dropped dead.

Still got 250 more to go.....


You're the best!:cool:

I sent you an email entitled "Compressor with external attack"

Best of luck with all those emails, rk.

Ever seen that movie, Bruce Almighty?:D

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