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eight tracks of odd time guitar!


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Ontario Plates (guitar demo)


this is a demo of a new song for bandmates. a little sloppy, i know, but whatever. it's a demo.


this first bit is in 5/4. the second bit is 7/8 (and gives the song it's title - it's divided in 4 and 3 and ontario plates have four letters and three numbers), then back to 5/4, then a sample i made that i didnt bother calculating the time to. if you care about those things.


lotsa phase and a little delay and trem too.


sorry bout the crosspost and soundclick link.

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Originally posted by ginnboonmiller

I can't wait for you to grow out of this whole minimalist phase, cuz you'll be doing really nice stuff then...

By the way, if the 7/8 section is 7/8, then the other section is 5/2, but whatever. The sample is in 9.

It reminds me of "Plastic Palace People" by Scott Walker.



5/2 you say? works for me.


this may not be as minimalist when the whole band sees it. the song will eventually be guitars (probably 2 live, maybe more recorded), bass, drums, trumpet, and maybe a synth or something.


anywho, thanks for the listen and comments:)

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Originally posted by Montag

also, a question: what makes something minimalist? would it be the simplicity of the melody? the repeating structures?



They teach classes on that, but I tend to think of Minimalism in music (the term is borrowed from painting -- see Bernard Nauman) as the use of repetition in the extreme to present music as process (Steve Reich, Brian Eno) or form (Philip Glass, John Adams). Properly, no melody, no harmonic motion, no nothing. Just repetition or drone. But then you have to get into post-minimalism and {censored} like that.


I've been trying very hard lately not to be such a pretentious blowhard, but it doesn't really work.

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Originally posted by ginnboonmiller

They teach classes on that, but I tend to think of Minimalism in music (the term is borrowed from painting -- see Bernard Nauman) as the use of repetition in the extreme to present music as process (Steve Reich, Brian Eno) or form (Philip Glass, John Adams). Properly, no melody, no harmonic motion, no nothing. Just repetition or drone. But then you have to get into post-minimalism and {censored} like that.

I've been trying very hard lately not to be such a pretentious blowhard, but it doesn't really work.



ah...well i dig reich and eno and glass.


maybe ill never grow out of it, just to spite you.



and stay pretentious - i learn a lot.

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Originally posted by clayton explode

too bad you don't live here. i think we'd make some rad music together.

but maybe eventually we could do {censored} over the net together. so le gaye.



maybe ill move. but i do like this city.



and yeah, i named the song ontario plates anyway. {censored} that other band that ive never heard but wouldnt mind checking out.



net collaborations can be a bit tedious, but im always down.

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Originally posted by Weatherbox

I like this. I can hear some great drumming and a really woolly bassline filling it out. Sorta "How Am I Driving?" Radiohead-esque, in a good way.



thanks much:)


and yeah, im really looking forward to letting the drummer and bassist have fun with this. im also interested to see how the other guitarist and trumpet player adapt.


and yeah, im going for a radiohead vibe. i was thinking Kid A stuff.

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Originally posted by Montag

thanks much:)

and yeah, im really looking forward to letting the drummer and bassist have fun with this. im also interested to see how the other guitarist and trumpet player adapt.

and yeah, im going for a radiohead vibe. i was thinking Kid A stuff.



I am a little envious of the bassist. This one'd be fun.

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Originally posted by Weatherbox

I am a little envious of the bassist. This one'd be fun.



im hoping for fuzzed out bass in the 7/8 section (in the full arrangement it'll likely go longer and/or come back once or twice - we're looking at long songs in this new band).

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