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ZVEX Fuzz Probe -what's it like?

Jonny Boy

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I've read about these, seen the demo vid on the site and heard mixed opinions about them (some say they are awesome and weird, others say too hard to control). I'm considering getting one, but its alot of dosh, so please let me know your opinions/experiences.


Many thanks

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I had one. I sold it. I eventually purchased a Vexter version of the Fuzz Factory.

The Fuzz Probe was great, but I didn't find that the probe part added to functionality of the pedal, although it could be cool. It was just something I could live without.

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I prefer it over the Fuzz Factory, simply for the fact that if I want to control the pitch or tone (in some cases both), its there for me to use. Most people don't seem to understand that its only a Fuzz Factory with a copper plate that adjusts the Stab knob value to whatever its set at, all the way to its maximum setting.

If you can disable the squeeling on a Fuzz Factory, you can disable the probe on the Fuzz Probe. Think of the probe as a secondary Stab control.

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