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WARNING: Virus in 'No More Triton LE Thread'


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1) I can't ban people.

2) I've given him a warning, I have yet to receive a reply to that or see if it has worked.

3) You can't be 100% sure - innocent until proven guilty.

4) The exploit didn't set off any red lights here at work.

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Originally posted by Yoozer

1) I can't ban people.

2) I've given him a warning, I have yet to receive a reply to that or see if it has worked.

3) You can't be 100% sure - innocent until proven guilty.

4) The exploit didn't set off any red lights here at work.


Shoot first - questions later :D


More seriously - even of this is in doubt - his posts that you have had to moderate arnt.


I would say this fits a pattern - and chat with an admin over a pint could be good :)

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Originally posted by HomeInMyShoes

Viruses do exist for Macintoshes, but they are much more rare. Microsoft has done a terrible job with their OS's structure, add in the fact that if you were going to write a virus and wanted to affect the most people what OS would you target, and it's no wonder Windoze is plagued by this stuff.


I think that is a a misconception from earlier versions which were bad - all OS's were. I dont see that any of the other modern common OSs are actually any better, and if anything may not be. I certainly remember the years when linux was a joke from an exploits perspective - I had a hand in fixing several of them back in those days.


Most viri will target the windows platform - because its the most common by far and thus a lame virus programmer can have the greatest impact and have a chance of hitting both servers and desktops. Its barely worth targetting one of the apple operating systems - that doesnt make it actually more secure at a code level, it just means an apple user is far less likely to be a target and is thus probably alot safer.


All OS vendors are in a catch up phase at the moment with respect to code security - some much further ahead than others and throwing *alot* more resources at the problem - in MS case - they actually stopped OS development for several months to *just* focus on reviewing code for potential exploits and fixed alot in the process as well as creating lots of guidelines for ISVs. Cant speak for apple as I dont know - they seem to rewirite their platform ever few years anyway just to annoy developers ;)


Whether current windows is now the most secure platform or not - it still only takes one exploit to be discovered to make it worth targetting. And as with all OSs - users need to ensure thay have the latest patches and fixes if thir machine is on a network - so if this particular exploit gets you - well - you have had a year to be prepared for it - shouldnt have switched off windows update - thats usually the real problem (given there are lamers who write viri) - users (regardless of platform) dont keep upto date with fixes.

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Originally posted by BillyWa

I love how you go to the Microsoft home page and Spybot blocks all sorts of spy and adware. WTF?



Could you let me know in more detail - ie specifically what ads/spyware etc you are seeing? I dont get any of that - using ie7b3.


PM me if you like.

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Originally posted by BillyWa

Avenue A. Not even sure what that is.



OK - your browser has been hijacked. Sounds like an adware hijack that random throw up ads, popups etc and sometmes they do so when you visit specific sites - ms.com would be an obvious choice to ensure ms get the blame.


I suggest trying anti-spyware app on it. Also look in the IE plugins - you could disable it from there. What version of windows are you running - is it pre XP+SP2?


There are NEVER any third party popups on microsoft.com and certainly there would not be adware/spyware. I dont even think microsoft themselves use popups except for the occasional customer feedback survey thing.


[Disclaimer - personal observations/opinions only].

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