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Grass-fed beef?


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So I've been reading up on the meat industry and all that jazz, and came upon the issue of grain/corn fed beef vs. grass fed beef. I'd like to find out if anyone has any companies they'd recommend I try for grass fed beef and any opinions in general (either for or against) on meat safety/health etc...

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Not even to get into the whole ethics of it, but pasture raised/grass fed beef is worlds better than the common feedlot stuff you find in the grocery. Also, there is less of a need to pump the animal full of hormones and antibiotics, as they are allowed to grow at a natural pace and roam in a pasture.

Wouldn't know what to tell you about brands--I get mine from the farm down the road from my parent's house.

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Originally posted by DICKTRON

Not even to get into the whole ethics of it, but pasture raised/grass fed beef is worlds better than the common feedlot stuff you find in the grocery. Also, there is less of a need to pump the animal full of hormones and antibiotics, as they are allowed to grow at a natural pace and roam in a pasture.

Wouldn't know what to tell you about brands--I get mine from the farm down the road from my parent's house.



The hormones and antibiotic use are the big differential when comparing large processors vs organically grown.

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Originally posted by incubass

yeah, that's what I was thinking myself, dicktron. The ethics of it are a secondary concern of mine...



Don't get me wrong, the ethics are important to me--I know how the animals that ultimately end up on my plate were treated, and how they were raised (hell, I used to work for the guy when I was a kid). They have room to roam, and are housed well.

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grain fed beef is superior to grass fed, bar none for flavor especially in the better cuts of meat, hell even in ground.

however there is some good grass fed stuff around, just not so much in the USA. Australia and New Zealand are for the most part grass fed.

there are every kind of niche producers around, might have to do a google or something. know there are some in Colorado, and think some in Kansas city area.

for dirty hippies who think they need organic, i'd imagine there is some organic grain fed beef around as well as grass.

also restraunts get the majority of the higher quality US beef, but there are still small shops and butchers around that are selling a higher quality than the supermarkets.

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I cut out all beef, chicken and pork. Something has for awhile bothered me about how much fossil energy is put into the fertilizer that grows the grains that is fed to these animals. When in truth these animals (cows in particular) are plenty happy eating grass that grows without wasting fossil energy on over production of such things as corn. Corn should be fed to people but not as corn syrup as that just makes our asses fatter. It is not really a moral or ethical dilemna in my head about killing animals or anything.

Howard Lyman former rancher turned vegitarian who also got Oprah sued puts it into better terms in this really great listen:


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Originally posted by catalinbread

I cut out all beef, chicken and pork. Something has for awhile bothered me about how much fossil energy is put into the fertilizer that grows the grains that is fed to these animals. When in truth these animals (cows in particular) are plenty happy eating grass that grows without wasting fossil energy on over production of such things as corn. Corn should be fed to people but not as corn syrup as that just makes our asses fatter. It is not really a moral or ethical dilemna in my head about killing animals or anything.

I thought the same thing about the fossil energy issue...Frontline on PBS has a rundown of how much oil it takes, etc...So how difficult was it logically to replan your diet? What does it consist of mostly these days?

Oh and BGC, here you are:


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Originally posted by catalinbread

I cut out all beef, chicken and pork. Something has for awhile bothered me about how much fossil energy is put into the fertilizer that grows the grains that is fed to these animals. When in truth these animals (cows in particular) are plenty happy eating grass that grows without wasting fossil energy on over production of such things as corn. Corn should be fed to people but not as corn syrup as that just makes our asses fatter. It is not really a moral or ethical dilemna in my head about killing animals or anything.

Howard Lyman former rancher turned vegitarian who also got Oprah sued puts it into better terms in this really great listen:





i cut out all catalinbread effects, because of all the fossil energy wasted in the making, distribution, and powering of them.

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By coincidence, I was thinking the same thing last week and bought some free-range beef at the grocery on the way home from work one day. Never had it before, but it tasted pretty good, and my wife and son liked it, too.

So I guess free-range means the cows also eat pretty much what they stumble across while eating grass; spiders, slugs, beetles, etc. :freak:

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Originally posted by rhino bucket

i cut out all catalinbread effects, because of all the fossil energy wasted in the making, distribution, and powering of them.

Trust me I think about that too. I don't sleep much. Though it doesn't bother me if somebody wants to boycot my stuff, even jokingly. It's usually not a problem to me that jerks avoid my warez. :p

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Originally posted by incubass

I thought the same thing about the fossil energy issue...Frontline on PBS has a rundown of how much oil it takes, etc...So how difficult was it logically to replan your diet? What does it consist of mostly these days?



It wasn't much an effort really. If I am out drinking with friends I avoid the typical drunken/hangover foods fast food etc. I don't wait until I am starving during the work day to eat which helps me avoid quick fixes. For me it hasn't been particularly difficult because I lived with a vegatarian for 3 years so I learned to appreciate VERY much hummus and stuff. It all started out by a simple experiment that I tried one day awhile back. I am sick of being beat and worn out. So one morning I picked up one of those uncooked burrito's you get at the grocery, not the microwave variety but the ones entended to be eaten cold. I paid close attention to how my body felt, how my mood was etc. Sure as {censored} everytime I eat less meat (I still like cheese a lot) I feel SO MUCH BETTER.


I am not a vegatarian though cause I would eat rabbit or fish or whatnot. These types of animals don't seem to make me feel like {censored}, probably because when you eat them you don't get a 1/2 lbs. of the junk piled up on a grill.


It is worth a personal experiment to see if it changes your day for the positive. I am not a crusader here, just personally it has made a huge difference in a short time.

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Originally posted by catalinbread

Trust me I think about that too. I don't sleep much. Though it doesn't bother me if somebody wants to boycot my stuff, even jokingly. It's usually not a problem to me that jerks avoid my warez.

i was defenantly jesting, if you'ld paint one to look like a porterhouse i might buy one.

just wanted to point out you might not be any more enviromently friendly than a feller feeding a little grain to beef cows.

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Originally posted by rhino bucket

i was defenantly jesting, if you'ld paint one to look like a porterhouse i might buy one.

just wanted to point out you might not be any more enviromently friendly than a feller feeding a little grain to beef cows.

I know where you are headed. I was sorta joking with you too. What we do here is by far more environmentally friendly than a feedlot. Phosphorous runoff is not something I worry about cause when I {censored} it is in a toilet and probably 100 times less than a cow. The chemicals I use are not bad as you'd think. And the bigger this opperation gets the less I have to use any of that crap. It all boils down to I don't feed any animals in my shop their own, I don't stand them in a foot of their own fecal matter, and chaulked full of antibiotics just so their waste doesn't kill them. :freak:

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Originally posted by seifukusha

beer fed beef..kobe...

i paid 400$ for a 2 person dinner of kobe steak in KOBE!

but I got laid afterwards in a great hotel room..

Rad. You shoulda bought her old man a bottle of Jack and he woulda given that woman to you. I spent a lot of time in Japan and the steak was what it was. But being from the midwest any sort of steak is not impressive.

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