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Analog combo pedal from Cort - SPAM


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I recently picked this up and just got a chance to try it out today:




It's a Cort Mix-10, a three-in-one combo pedal made back in the 80s (my guess). It's got a distortion, compressor (always on but defeatable), analog delay (about 200ms) and a unique chorus effect - the initial strum has a sort of standard chorus, but a deeper effect comes around based on how the 'speed' knob is set and it's almost like a deep, warbling chorus effect is being ebbed in and out of the signal in a similiar manner to how a tremolo works volume. The distortion is actually pretty good, I tried it out with an Ibanez Artist and a Blues Jr at a store. Pleasing and thick, and the compression makes for fatter sound if you like - I wonder how hard it would be to modify this pedal to include the compression only when the distortion is on.


Speaking of modding, this pedal would likely make a great project for a tinkerer - http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://members.fortunecity.com/uzzfay/cort/ctop.jpg&imgrefurl=http://members.fortunecity.com/uzzfay/cort/ctop.html&h=443&w=1008&sz=202&tbnid=40gr4221tsEJ:&tbnh=65&tbnw=149&hl=en&start=9&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCort%2BMix%2B10%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D. Bunch of JRC4558s in there. Could be expanded by adding some more controls for the chorus and/or delay effects.


There are two reviews in the HC User Reviews section. I was just wondering if anyone had anything interesting to trade for this, or was maybe interested in buying it. It's a cool peice - the delay has cool slapback and the chorus is unique, but I have a lot of pedals and I don't see room for this on my board. If no one wants it, I'll just hang onto it to mess around with.


Looking for:


Rondo Music Extra Large pedalboard

Drumkit from Hell software


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Wow- I haven't seen one of those in a while!


That was my first effect ever- straight into a Gorilla 25w with reverb lol.


The one I had probably had less than 100ms delay, it just added some abience to the sound but the chorus was cool. I sold it off cause it sucked tone like a mutha.


I bought mine out of a JC Penney catalog probably in 1986, they were right next to a Les Paul copy that I had major GAS for (probably the biggest POS ever made out of pressboard I bet)

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Yeah, I think I might - might - have seen one of these floating around in my travels. There's just the two reviews on H-C. A little rare.


It might be a good mod project if I don't sell or trade it. Adding some trimpots for the chorus and delay would likely increase the versatility and yeild some more interesting sounds, if by nothing else than increasing the time on the analog delay section past the stock setting.


The bypass might be an issue - the 'master volume' control and the compression are always in the signal chain, which might be a good or bad thing depending on your needs.


Might be kind of cool for someone who has an East Bay Ray kinda thing going on. Good distortion and slap-verb.


Anyway, PM me if interested.

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