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feliz dia de los muertos, amigos!

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So we're watching a Tivo'd episode of Nip/Tuck last night, and the anesthesiologist is trying to put a patient under. Unfortunately the woman only speaks German, and the doc needs her to count to 10. The non-German-speaking doc tries to demonstrate by saying, rather loudly, "Ein! Schwein!"


One! Pig!

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Originally posted by ginnboonmiller

Today is also exactly half-way between International Tuba Day 2005 and 2006.

So ram that up your worldview and see how it sits.

that explains the calm and serene vibe that's permeating my being today -- i could be no further away from an International Tuba Day!


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Originally posted by Wilbo26

Somebody needs to make an altar with their guitar pedals and gear. I wish I didn't have work and two tests tomorrow or I would be all over it.

You missed that holiday by a few weeks. During Navarathri, every household creates a muertos-type display (we call it a gollu, don't know what others call it). While most people put dolls and stuff there, I always used to put up musical instruments when I was at home (haven't done it since leaving home :( ). Pedals would definitely be acceptable :thu:

Hmmmm, maybe I'll do that next year....

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Funny the "Dia de los Nuertos" is living proof that you can never take the Indian out of the Mexican.I'm Comanche on my American side,on my Mexican side I'm Tarascan(Pirepechapaw)with a little Spanish.That festival of the dead was a way to honor our dead ancestors and laugh at the face of death........so Indian:D :thu:

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