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Good job! I'm glad everything turned out well.

This has added just a little to my own excitement about my own second and final child's arrival in March or so. I'm gearing up for the craziness again!

As for those who have warned you to get ready for one or two months of sleeplessness, relax, don't listen to them!

It's more like three or four months. :cool:

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Originally posted by Filterbank


Well, after a long frickin' labour, little Griffin Samuel Harris was born on Nov. 13th at 12:46 am. The family is doing fine, although exhausted.

Thanks to all the words of wisdom and words of complete bull{censored} for all you dads and wiseasses.


Congrats!! I can't begin to tell you how much you have to look forward to. Savor everything and as he gets a little older, try to remember back to when you were young, put yourself in his head - you'll get to experience it all over again. Kids Rule!

Also, just an idea. Print the threads out concerning his birth. Save them for when he's a teenager - What a laugh and kinda cool. :thu:

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Originally posted by Filterbank


Well, after a long frickin' labour, little Griffin Samuel Harris was born on Nov. 13th at 12:46 am. The family is doing fine, although exhausted.

Thanks to all the words of wisdom and words of complete bull{censored} for all you dads and wiseasses.


Very cute kid! You and Mrs. Filterbank do nice work. :thu:

Congrats! :)

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Guys, thanks for all the nice words. For those of you who have kids and have experienced watching your child enter the world, you know that it seems like you're trivializing the whole thing by trying to describe it with words.
This was the most profound experience of my life and I have no fear saying that I cried more than the baby did. Actually Griffin came out and pissed and puked all over mommy. I did not. He's been quiet as a mouse but this is always the case for the first 24 hours. I expect him to be a screecher for here on out. I have been taking advantage while mommy and baby are at the hospital to sleep as much as I can. I think they're staying another night so I may get another sleep in.
Again, thanks all. Your kind words mean something to me.

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Originally posted by Filterbank

He's been quiet as a mouse but this is always the case for the first 24 hours. I expect him to be a screecher for here on out. I have been taking advantage while mommy and baby are at the hospital to sleep as much as I can. I think they're staying another night so I may get another sleep in.

Again, thanks all. Your kind words mean something to me.

Oh Yeah - bank those sleep hours now. They'll be your last for a while! :D

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Originally posted by Thelonius

Congratulations!! 4.5 months to go here.

If it's a boy they can be fx forum cousins.
If it's a girl....then keep your damn kid away from mine!

Deal, Bobby. My best friend and drummer had a baby girl last June. He said the same thing. He said, and he seemed sincere, that he'd beat the {censored} out of my boy if he boned his daughter. I told him his daughter was going to be a carpet cleaning dyke anyway.
Get ready for this amazing experience. I hope you'll be there through the whole thing, if you can. Luckily we didn't have to go through a C-section. However, I stayed by my wife's head and not at the business end of things. I'd recommend the same. We were at possibly the best pre and post natal hospital in Canada and had fantastic nurses and doctors. Some of them were hot too, so all those internal exams on my wife were girl on girl action. :freak: But seriously, childbirth is a plain miracle and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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Thanks, I considered getting a Griffin tattoo. But I made a family monogram when me and the missus got hitched, so I'm going to make Finny his own monogram and possibly get that tattooed on me.

Originally posted by Grozna_Pizda

Congrats to you and Mrs. Filter! Oh, and Griffin is a cool name.


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Originally posted by Filterbank

However, I stayed by my wife's head and not at the business end of things. I'd recommend the same.

I knew where to stand when I saw the doctor put on the clear plastic face-shield and lay down the big plastic sheet on the floor! :eek:

While I admit that it was amazing to watch the actual birth, I have to say that I wish I hadn't looked down there for some of the post-birth cleanup and detailing. I saw some very interesting sights.

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Originally posted by Filterbank

Deal, Bobby. My best friend and drummer had a baby girl last June. He said the same thing. He said, and he seemed sincere, that he'd beat the {censored} out of my boy if he boned his daughter. I told him his daughter was going to be a carpet cleaning dyke anyway.

Get ready for this amazing experience. I hope you'll be there through the whole thing, if you can. Luckily we didn't have to go through a C-section. However, I stayed by my wife's head and not at the business end of things. I'd recommend the same. We were at possibly the best pre and post natal hospital in Canada and had fantastic nurses and doctors. Some of them were hot too, so all those internal exams on my wife were girl on girl action.
But seriously, childbirth is a plain miracle and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Oh yeah, I'll definitely be there. Although I keep telling my wife I won't. Every time she talks about the delivery room I'm like "what? how the hell would I know, me and the fellas are gonna head down the creek and set some hooks that day"


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Originally posted by palthegiraffe

I knew where to stand when I saw the doctor put on the clear plastic face-shield and lay down the big plastic sheet on the floor!

While I admit that it was amazing to watch the actual birth, I have to say that I wish I hadn't looked down there for some of the post-birth cleanup and detailing. I saw some very interesting sights.

Well, E. had an emergency C-section (they'd induced her early, leading to a 30-hour labor that went nowhere). And she had me in there with her camera (she's got an epidural in her back, they're about to slice her open, and she's worried about the photography, telling me how to work her fancy camera...{censored}in' photographers!) and afterwards was disappointed that I hadn't gotten a good picture of her "guts" (her exact words) when she was all sliced open. I've seen lots of stuff and surgeries while working in a hospital, but it's a little different when it's your wife.

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I started out saying that there was no way that I'd be in the room with her. I didn't think I could handle it. That quickly went away, especially by the time I hit the prenatal classes. In fact, my wife's grandfather was teeing off when her mom was born. He came by the hospital after his round, probably after a few pops at the 19th hole.

I watched from my wife's perspective as I was making sure she had her chin to her chest and was curling her back. She did an amazing job pushing that baby out. There were some 'repairs' to do afterward. That seemed to be the worst part for my wife and I couldn't handle it either. I was holding Finny the whole time. But I didn't feel grossed out at any time. And the delivery room looked like a MASH unit when it was all done.

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I bet. C had intended to do the entire thing sans drugs. I thought she was slightly crazy, but didn't want to try to convince her to do it otherwise. She went around 30 hours without much change in station or dilation. She was exhausted by that point and had managed to get through around 13 hours of super-intense contractions. She didn't think she could finish while being so wiped out. So she took the epidural and a saline-oxytocin IV. That allowed her (and me) to rest for a bit. It worked wonders as the baby dropped and she became fully dilated. The pushing was less than an hour. We had a doula (hands-off birthing assistant) who also served as the photographer. She was really great.
For all you dads to be, I strongly recommend getting a doula. She'll be with you and the lady through the entire process with full knowledge of everything that's going on. She'll provide info and suggestions based on the medical diagnosis. And the big thing for me was that her presence allowed me to go get a coffee or some water, or just get out for a walk. Check it out at www.dona.org

Originally posted by BillyGrahamCracker

Well, E. had an emergency C-section (they'd induced her early, leading to a 30-hour labor that went nowhere). And she had me in there with her camera (she's got an epidural in her back, they're about to slice her open, and she's worried about the photography, telling me how to work her fancy camera...{censored}in' photographers!) and afterwards was disappointed that I hadn't gotten a good picture of her "guts" (her exact words) when she was all sliced open. I've seen lots of stuff and surgeries while working in a hospital, but it's a little different when it's your wife.

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