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Whiniest bitch in history...


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Originally posted by delorean

judging by the massive DEFTONES sticker on the back of his whip, he seems like more of an AMP FORUM guy.

bREWtal GAYin'!!!11!!!!1!!



I'm sure he makes the 'tones proud.


"Whuhuhuhut are you dooooooooing. I don't have the whhhhhaaaaaaaa money for this dude. Noooooooo hohohoho pleeeeeeeeease".

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Originally posted by delorean

"This isn't right wahahahhahaha i'm gonna call my lawyer!!!!! wahhhhhhhh"

"Call your lawyer, dude."



"By the way, it's $92 now, and I'm going to have to start a waiting fee".


{censored}ing repo men are straight gangsta.

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Originally posted by Kestral

Tow truck people are the scum of the earth.

Also scum of the earth:

- Lawyers

- Real Estate Salespeople

- Insurance Salespeople

- Those Police-like people who give parking tickets

- Politicians

- Scalpers



i think 99% of insurance salesmen give the other 1% a bad name.

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Originally posted by Kestral

Tow truck people are the scum of the earth.

Also scum of the earth:

- Lawyers

- Real Estate Salespeople

- Insurance Salespeople

- Those Police-like people who give parking tickets

- Politicians

- Scalpers




- people with mullets

- the village people

- people with only a few teeth that mosh by themselves during your last set last night

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Originally posted by Kestral

Tow truck people are the scum of the earth.

Also scum of the earth:

- Lawyers

- Real Estate Salespeople

- Insurance Salespeople

- Those Police-like people who give parking tickets

- Politicians

- Scalpers



So you're siding with the whiner?

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Originally posted by gethsemane

i think 99% of insurance salesmen give the other 1% a bad name.


No, I think anyone connected to insurance is the scum of the earth.


Think about it. The whole point of insurance originally was to spread risk out over a huge pool of people so that everyone was covered.


Somewhere along the line it became a profit making venture where it wasn't a cooperative of farmers and other similar interested parties getting together to hedge risks. It became a cash generating machine.


These companies cry that they're losing money hence the need to raise rates yet quarter after quarter they're setting new highs for record profits, as you can see in their 10-K filings.


I don't begrudge anyone making a profit in a business venture. However, when it comes mandated by the government that one must have insurance, then it becomes completely out of line, it should then be a government institution.


And anyone ever try to make a claim? Good luck, they'll make you jump through so many hoops that you'll feel like you've lost more than the loss in the first place even though you were made square.


Insurance these days is this: the government forces you to play in the "casino" yet the insurance companies are the house and the house always wins.


Conclusion: scum of the earth. They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution happens.

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Originally posted by Kestral

No, I think anyone connected to insurance is the scum of the earth.

Think about it. The whole point of insurance originally was to spread risk out over a huge pool of people so that everyone was covered.

Somewhere along the line it became a profit making venture where it wasn't a cooperative of farmers and other similar interested parties getting together to hedge risks. It became a cash generating machine.

These companies cry that they're losing money hence the need to raise rates yet quarter after quarter they're setting new highs for record profits, as you can see in their 10-K filings.

I don't begrudge anyone making a profit in a business venture. However, when it comes mandated by the government that one must have insurance, then it becomes completely out of line, it should then be a government institution.

And anyone ever try to make a claim? Good luck, they'll make you jump through so many hoops that you'll feel like you've lost more than the loss in the first place even though you were made square.

Insurance these days is this: the government forces you to play in the "casino" yet the insurance companies are the house and the house always wins.

Conclusion: scum of the earth. They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution happens.



That is, without question, the smartest thing I have ever seen you write. I have no snide, assholic remarks to make. Well put.

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Originally posted by Kestral

No, I think anyone connected to insurance is the scum of the earth.

Think about it. The whole point of insurance originally was to spread risk out over a huge pool of people so that everyone was covered.

Somewhere along the line it became a profit making venture where it wasn't a cooperative of farmers and other similar interested parties getting together to hedge risks. It became a cash generating machine.

These companies cry that they're losing money hence the need to raise rates yet quarter after quarter they're setting new highs for record profits, as you can see in their 10-K filings.

I don't begrudge anyone making a profit in a business venture. However, when it comes mandated by the government that one must have insurance, then it becomes completely out of line, it should then be a government institution.

And anyone ever try to make a claim? Good luck, they'll make you jump through so many hoops that you'll feel like you've lost more than the loss in the first place even though you were made square.

Insurance these days is this: the government forces you to play in the "casino" yet the insurance companies are the house and the house always wins.

Conclusion: scum of the earth. They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution happens.



you've been seriously misinformed.

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Originally posted by Kestral

Let's see you back that up.



for starters, there's no way a mutual insurer made up of "a bunch of farmers" could pull off what modern insurance companies can. that much is obvious. if you don't see that, you don't know what insurance companies do.

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Originally posted by gethsemane

for starters, there's no way a mutual insurer made up of "a bunch of farmers" could pull off what modern insurance companies can. that much is obvious. if you don't see that, you don't know what insurance companies do.

Read my post again, that's how insurance companies started out locally, and then syndicates formed based on networks of local insurers spread across the country.

Why do you think so many people buy their car insurance from "State Farm"? :idea:

I love how you completely misread and/or took my statement completely out of context and then used it as a straw man to attack and back up your unbased claim. You must be Republican.

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Originally posted by Kestral

Read my post again, that's how insurance companies started out locally, and then syndicates formed based on networks of local insurers spread across the country.

Why do you think so many people buy their car insurance from "State Farm"?

I love how you completely misread something and then used it to back up your unbased claim. You must be Republican.

the fact that you have no idea what's going on only goes to show that you really don't know a whole lot about the business.

i didn't misread it, you just don't know what you're talking about.

ive never voted republican, but way to show your own stripes.

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