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Canadians: UPS Sucks!!!!


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Just a heads up to all you fellow Canadians about getting things shipped to you...


Here's my latest sorry...i'll make it short


I bought a pedal, value in Canadian Dollars = 100.39$


UPS charged me 56.15$, and the sender paid the shipping!! Rediculous if you ask me. 15.06$ of that was tax, which is understandable, the rest is UPS charging for who knows what.


If anyone knows how i can get some of this back, let me know.


From now on I'm totally asking shipper's to send via US Postal Service from now on.

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Happened to me as well. They have a rate for brokerage (customs clearance) that is outrageous. I bought a used golf club 3 years ago for about 100, and the brokerage fee was 37.50. It's probably gone up by now. That would explain the 40 or so dollars over and above the tax you payed.


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There's no reason why a pedal needs to be shipped UPS.

The customs doc fee is standard, and is non-negotiable unfortunately. You'd pay it if you ordered a $5 patch cable or a $3000 custom built amp.

Get sellers to use US Postal Service Global Express. You get tracking, and have to pay GST on the declared value, plus a $5-$7 doc fee. When requesting this don't just request "send by USPS" because some sellers will still read this as "UPS":rolleyes: It happened to me.:(

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Duties/taxes = whatever the government sets

Brokerage AKA "clearing charges" = whatever UPS (or any other courier company) wants to charge you for preparing the paperwork to clear your package through customs. UPS/other couriers = $$$ (usually $50+, you got away lightly). Canada Post = $5 (yes, FIVE dollars).

UPS's more expensive shipping methods (anything other than standard) INCLUDE clearing charges/brokerage in the price, so if you're going to UPS, pay through the nose up front. Or use regular mail whenever possible.

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Fear not, Canadians can feel free to use avoid nonsense duty charges by using me as their Canadian guitar pedal pimp daddy. :)

I don't carry every line of boutique pedals, but I have lots of good pedals and lots of vintage stuff listed on my cheezy webpage linked in my sig.

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everytime the brown truck comes to my door i just naturally drop my pants around my ankles , spackle my a$$ with some lube and take it.
my worst rear-ending thus far is a set of mizuno golf irons cost $350 us. ups requested that i pay them $175 cdn , my ass is still bleeding :eek:
usps is much better on the rectum:thu:

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Yeah Cheesy, that was one of the smoothest deals i've done...quick, cheap no bloody taxes...the dl4 is great, thanks!

For everyone else.. here's the les paul he's talking about

For now on i'm with you, USPS or nothing!

Originally posted by Cheesey

hey J , you bought my dl 4 , hope its working for ya. best thing we can do is buy in canada when possible.

im still dying for a les paul jr like yours

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