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Small low-wattage amps that sound good registry


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I`ve been checking out the Swart amps site lately.
The little brother is the Space Tone 6V6se
Class A - Single-Ended - 6V6 - Tube Rectified

"The ST-6V6se circuit is hand wired, point to point by Michael Swart. There are no Circuit or turret boards resulting in the most direct path. Cloth wire is used for hookup. Simply put, there are no semiconductors or solid state diodes anywhere as the Space Tone is 100% valve powered. Tubes include the excellent JJ 12AX7, Electro-Harmonix 6V6GT, and NOS 5Y3. It's a Pure triode front end into the great 6V6 all cleaned by 5Y3 tube rectification"


The bigger brother, the 20w Atomic Space Tone with tube reverb and tremolo, gives me GAS. :eek:


MP3`s of the Atomic Space Tone by Jason Baker
Lots of clips here too

How about an amp for travelling?



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Originally posted by JimVW

Here are mine:

Fender Pro Junior: Replace the tubes and speaker and you've got a spanky, throaty beast that weighs less than a bag of cat food. I gigged a medium room on Saturday with mine, and it held up great, unmiked (although there wasn't much clean headroom, but that was fine - I was doing mainly 60s garage band stuff with one of my sideline projects).



what kind of speaker did you replace it with

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Pretty versatile unfortunately not made anymore.

Three 12AX7, one 6V6, one 5Y3 or switchable to solid state rectifier.

On the "clean" setting the gain knobs don't function it's just the volume knob. Set it to "Gain 1" an additional gain stage is added and the Gain 1 knob gives control over what is now a master volume amp. Set to Gain 2 and another stage is added. the Gain 1 and Gain 2 knobs both function to control the preamp stages.

Rear controls include an effects loop that can be used as yet another gain stage with knobs for send and return. Switch to add or take out the bypass cap on the first tube, this boosts or cuts gain and adds bottom end when on. Preamp output and attenuated speaker out that can be used as a DI that includes the output stage or as a speaker attenuator.
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i've gotta recomend the Orange AD-15/12... good mater volume and it'll get you out of bedroom territory if you need it too.. i swapped out the speaker on my for a celestion blue. ace.

also, in that relm, vox release a new AC-15CC. looks sweet.

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Originally posted by bieke

yes, well it's made by forumite birt

it partly consists of salvaged parts that birt inherited from his granddad who used to work in electronics, birt started developing, designing and manufacturing unique pedals and kotamps in his little attic lab ...

the Kotamp design is based on the Ruby amp, nice and crunchy, you can plug it in any kind of speaker, it also has its own little buzzy speaker, I velcroed mine into a cab and have it battery operated, just plug and play, it's great


Thanks for the info - and the fresh shot. Great stuff.

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I've been using a Blues Jr. for years now, find one used and they're a great bargain. I think the Pro Jr. is probably a little better, if a touch less versatile. Both can be easily upgraded with a new speaker and tubes to sound even better. The stock speakers on these things take a while to break in though, so don't go by what you hear when you play one in the store.

SF Champs are another great amp for good tone at bedroom volumes.

There are so many low watt amps out there you could probably spend an eternity trying out diffrent ones and never settle on what is best. If I had the money I would probably buy every amp mentioned in this thread.

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Originally posted by sh333

I have been selling quite a lot of these.


I don't think they can be beat for tone vs. money.

If you have any interest I can hook you up with one.

here's a link to the new soundclips page, with lots of Lead 1 clips:


Nate's currently got this custom Lead combo up on eBay too:



I'm steve btw, one of Nate's test monkeys :D

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Hughes & Kettner Cream Machine
Available used for maybe as much as $150. Tube preamp, 1 watt tube power amp, dummy load and Red Box speaker simulation all in half a rack space. Pre and Master gain controls - no tone.
Sounds great into a regular cabinet, into the front of another amp or direct to PA or stereo or whatever.
Sounds like a hot rodded Marshall.

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Originally posted by RoboPimp

to the guy who emailed me about this amp, it's a univox U45B.

Ihave one of these, except mine has the controls on the top, at the back:


They're very cool little amps, although I've got to have our service guy look at mine, as the trem doesn't work on it. I was having some issues with the tube sockets being loose in it, but I changed them out with some new ones from Antique and it's good as new now, except for the trem.

Green carpet in above photo courtesy my parents' house.:D

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