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anybody else getting fat?


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Actually, i lost about 10 pounds in the past 2-3 months or so. I think it was due to having to buy my own food instead of eating at the college cafeteria. Im at about 215-220 right now, which is pretty good for me (at 6' 1" and fairly built). All my family/friends who i hadnt seen for a while commented on how ive lost weight.

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i started sucking down pepsi like mad during highschool and eating horribly for years. i figure i've gained about 8lbs a year since leaving school in '96

my wife finally got me to switch to diet coke last year and i've really cut back on the fast food and crap but i've yet to see any results of these modifications... i'd love to be more active but my current situation doesn't really allow for that.

soon i hope..

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I weight about 160. I'd eventually like to be at 150. My diet could be alot better, but I go to the gym about 3-4 days a week, where I do about 40 minutes of cardio (treadmill). Since January of '04 I have lost about 30 pounds. There was a semester where I did not do anything for a lengthy period of time and ended up gaining 10 pounds back, but I adjusted my diet somewhat and incorporated some weight-lifting in, which I have since stopped. I do enjoy working out, though.


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I hate dieting, so working out is the only way for me. I've been hitting the gym about 4 times a week for the past month, and I already see some results. I'm about 6' and happiest when I'm at about 175-180 lbs. I have about 15 lbs to go, which shouldn't be too difficult.

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I lost alot of weight when I left home, started walking EVERYWHERE and eating a vegetarian diet. I was the fat kid as school, and these days people hardly recognise me.

My partner owns a boutique bakery and (to the surprise/envy of our peers) we're both still pretty trim, but I'm waiting to see what the ol' figure does after a few more years of working too hard at a desk and not exercising enough. That's my only concern - my diet is great - all vegetarian/organic, etc but just not enough exercise.


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When I graduated high school I was 185. Now I'm 265. That was 5 and a half years ago. I stayed pretty much the same weight til I quit smoking. Within a couple weeks I was on Paxil as well. Put those 2 things together and I have become a freakin blimp. I'm working on it though...somewhat. :D

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I weighed about 165 through most of high school. I had a decent metabolism, combined with major digestive problems. When I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease at age 16, they put me on prednisone. They left me on it for way too long, and now I can no longer sense when I am full. That part of my brain doesn't work. I got up to about 210, then had three operations. I ended up back down around 140. In the six years since, I managed to get up all the way to 275. Now I eat better and exercise, and I'm down to 255. I've stalled out a little bit on the weight loss because my schedule has been crazy, but if nothing else at least I'm not gaining anymore.

I set the goal of getting back down to 165, but it has also occured to me that I'll probably never get there, and with good reason. Everybody else in my family has been a little more athletically inclined than me, and consequently all of them have quite a bit of upper body strength. Now that I lift weights every day, I'm putting on major amounts of muscle. Thus, my goal is no longer 165. My goal is to fit back into 34 or 36 waist jeans comfortably.

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Originally posted by TheDarxide

This is me at 14:


This is me at 20:


I'm 23 now, not much worse....

That was the progression I took -- from 160 pounds to 230-240.

And the worst part is that I didn't think I had gained any weight until I went to the Drs office with the flu and found out I didn't weigh 160 anymore.:(

Anyway I quit drinking coke altogether (I drank 3-4 cans a meal) , eating junk food (I went through a bag of Doritos and boxes of little debbies on a daily basis), cut out a lot of the carbs, and excercise on a daily basis-- and the result is that I weigh between 165 and 170 or so now.

Actually when I quit all that stuff and started working out I lost all 60-70 pounds in a 3-4 month period.

I feel a lot better, have 10 times more energy, and on the hole can eat just about anything as long as I exercise as my metabolism seems to have changed altogether.:)

Also, and I think this is a result of quitting coke and other carbonated drinks, I don't have to pee as often and find that I'm nowhere near as thirsty as I used to be.

Unfortunately I can't get my dad to get in shape and I fear now that he is approaching 60 health problems will follow for him.:(

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