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at the risk of sounding alarmist...


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i fear that i, and perhaps others, are not long for this place. what with the moderation and increasing lameness, it might be time to move on to greener pastures.


OK, i admit i'm being alarmist.








that said



what are other cool places we could e-hang? it looks like the Tape Op board is FINALLY back up and running, and is good times for those of us into the recording arts: http://messageboard.tapeop.com/


there's the craigslist boards, but the musician-y one is pretty tired: http://forums.craigslist.org/?forumID=7625


of course there's always the Van Halen board: http://forums.craigslist.org/?forumID=1984


or we could start our own refugee board on CL.



and there's the glass something thing colin made me sign up for ages ago -- does anyone still go there? glass cathedral? i ferget.



oh, and HC Chat... http://members.aol.com/cietus/hcef/


anyway. not crying wolf or trying to stir up {censored}, just kinda thinkin' out "loud."



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Originally posted by delorean

i fear that i, and perhaps others, are not long for this place. what with the moderation and increasing lameness, it might be time to move on to greener pastures.

OK, i admit i'm being alarmist.



that said

what are other cool places we could e-hang? it looks like the Tape Op board is FINALLY back up and running, and is good times for those of us into the recording arts:

there's the craigslist boards, but the musician-y one is pretty tired:

of course there's always the Van Halen board:

or we could start our own refugee board on CL.

and there's the glass something thing colin made me sign up for ages ago -- does anyone still go there? glass cathedral? i ferget.

oh, and HC Chat...

anyway. not crying wolf or trying to stir up {censored}, just kinda thinkin' out "loud."



thread reported.

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Originally posted by delorean

i fear that i, and perhaps others, are not long for this place. what with the moderation and increasing lameness, it might be time to move on to greener pastures.

OK, i admit i'm being alarmist.



that said

what are other cool places we could e-hang? it looks like the Tape Op board is FINALLY back up and running, and is good times for those of us into the recording arts:

there's the craigslist boards, but the musician-y one is pretty tired:

of course there's always the Van Halen board:

or we could start our own refugee board on CL.

and there's the glass something thing colin made me sign up for ages ago -- does anyone still go there? glass cathedral? i ferget.

oh, and HC Chat...

anyway. not crying wolf or trying to stir up {censored}, just kinda thinkin' out "loud."



I dunno, but being lazy like I am, that just sounds like pain in the ass crazy talk. Seriously, what OT goodness are you missing? We had JRAK, Post your Pic commentary thread AND various Kestral bashing threads in the last month....both things of such perfect digital beauty my aesthetic senses are stunned...stunned I tell ya.


Are you just looking for somethin' to bitch about?

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Originally posted by us2bslim

Are you just looking for somethin' to bitch about?



not even remotely. no bitching in the original post, and no bitching now.


this place rules, plain & simple. but it's rulingness has lately been tainted (huh-huh, i said "taint"), in my eyes, by the creepy moderation stuff. that makes it rule less.


in the event that the rulingness of this place continues to head south, i'm wondering where we might still congregate.



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Originally posted by sstim8or

Okay, one small request:

For those of us who happen to be working, if you're going to post something off-color on that other board (BLAGHAUS!), have the decency to include NSFW in the title please.




Here here.


Especially if it's going to scary.

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Originally posted by sstim8or

Okay, one small request:

For those of us who happen to be working, if you're going to post something off-color on that other board (BLAGHAUS!), have the decency to include NSFW in the title please.






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