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OT - Marshall 18 Watt Amp (Clones) ?

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Has anyone heard, built or owned any of these supposedly exact to the original specs amps? Are they really all THAT?


The reason I'm asking is because a local guy who built one has his for sale. He is quitting music supposedly...must be a woman involved somewhere there... :D


He had a custom cab built for it with white tolex and has 2X12 Alnico Blue Dogs (?) in it. And a gorgeous Led Zepplin related logo on the front (don't know where he picked that up looks cool but I can't remember what it said.... So Zo or SO Ho or something like that - help me out if you know cuz I'm brain dead today...) :o


I've not yet heard it or been able to play thru it - but I will be later this afternoon. He wants $1700 (I know pictures would help - I'll shoot some while I'm down there today). Anyone familiar with these clone amp kits costs? Thanks for your help.



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Originally posted by 1DZReverendDavidLee

Has anyone heard, built or owned any of these supposedly exact to the original specs amps? Are they reall all THAT?

The reason I'm asking is because a local guy who built one has his for sale. He is quitting music supposedly...must be a woman involved somewhere there...

He had a custom cab built for it with white tolex and has 2X12 Alnico Blue Dogs (?) in it. And a gorgeous Led Zepplin related logo on the front (don't know where he picked that up looks cool but I can't remember what it said.... So Zo or SO Ho or something like that c- help me out if you know cuz I'm brain dead today...)

I've not yet heard it or been able to play thru it - but I will be later this afternoon. He wants $1700 (I know pictures would help - I'll shoot some while I'm down there today). Anyone familiar with these clone amp kits costs? Thanks for your help.


18 watt kits vary from about $500 to $1000 for a top of the line one.

Sozo is a capacitor manufacturer

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Hey Rev-
18 watt clones are somewhat common. You should ask him where he got his kit, and that will answer the question. The kits I've seen, and I frequent the 18 watt clone board, range from $400ish to about $700, depending on who's kit. The Alnico Blue Dogs are $200 a shot form weber ($400 there), plus the custom cab can be about $300. So, all in all, it'd be about $1200 to $1500 for parts, cab, speakers. $1700 is about right (if you include labor prices).

Here's a good link with the sounds. These guys are committed to building damn close to exact clones. They are great guys and will help you if you have questions.
I can answer some questions, just not everything.

Some day, I hope to build one.. :wave: Hi, rock and roll!

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Originally posted by RoboPimp

18 watt kits vary from about $500 to $1000 for a top of the line one.

Sozo is a capacitor manufacturer

Thank you! :thu:

Seems like alot of money to me (course I haven't heard it yet either..) I'll find out who's kit he ordered. Thanks for the info!

Regarding the SoZo info - thank you again...makes sense because this guy owns a computer engineering firm. Perhaps he purchses products from them..Hmm.. :cool:

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Originally posted by JimVW

Price seems high. I couldn't see it costing him any more than $1200 or so to build, but I am not well-informed. I looked into building one, and my costs were lower than $1200.



This guys excellent at what he does so I have no doubt it's hand wired point to point bliss in there - got a peek thru the metal venting grills on top - and he's very intelligent and knows this is one of a kind custom build thing so he probably feels appropriate in this price range.


Given that I paid $1600 for that used Bad Cat Hot Cat 30 Blue Sparkle - that's a reference point for me. I'm very curious about THE TONE. Anyone played thru someone else's?

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Originally posted by 1DZReverendDavidLee

... And a gorgeous Led Zepplin related logo on the front (don't know where he picked that up looks cool but I can't remember what it said.... So Zo or SO Ho or something like that - help me out if you know cuz I'm brain dead today...)

Oops - must be dyslexic - here it is:

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Originally posted by pbrommer

Hey Rev-

18 watt clones are somewhat common. You should ask him where he got his kit, and that will answer the question. The kits I've seen, and I frequent the 18 watt clone board, range from $400ish to about $700, depending on who's kit. The Alnico Blue Dogs are $200 a shot form weber ($400 there), plus the custom cab can be about $300. So, all in all, it'd be about $1200 to $1500 for parts, cab, speakers. $1700 is about right (if you include labor prices).

Here's a
good link
with the sounds. These guys are committed to building damn close to exact clones. They are great guys and will help you if you have questions.

I can answer some questions, just not everything.

Some day, I hope to build one..
Hi, rock and roll!

Hey I work in La Vista!

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Even if it sounds great, paying that kind of money is a little crazy. You better love it and not want to sell it. Kit amps suck on the used market, because they don't have a track record to rely on. You'll be able to sell your BadCat for more than you paid. You won't be able to do that with the kit.

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Originally posted by us2bslim

Even if it sounds great, paying that kind of money is a little crazy. You better love it and not want to sell it. Kit amps suck on the used market, because they don't have a track record to rely on. You'll be able to sell your BadCat for more than you paid. You won't be able to do that with the kit.

You're right Brother - I decided to take a pass on this one. Quite frankly even if it was half of what he was wanting - it would be a huge risk, One {censored}ing thing goes wrong with it and I'm {censored}ed (i.e. looking at paying a local tech $65 per hour plus parts) {censored} that. I'd be money ahead to buy the actual Marshall reissue - but that one costs around $2200 I believe. And {censored} that too.

It boiled down to the amp is a one trick pony. It sounds fabulous for classic rock and blues - but nothing else. For that kind of money -{censored} for alot less than that money - I want some clean headroom too. The amp really only sounded fabulous at full cranked volume. What was I thinking. Thanks guys.

If I could build one myself I could see investing in a kit and having the satisfaction that I built an amp all by myself. The problem is - my ability to follow technical instructions sucks. Example: I built a BYOC Rangemaster - and although it works fine - Keith noted that I put the circuit board in "upside-down". I think if I tried to build an amp - I would end up killing myself touching something storing some lethal dose of electricity and become the bunt of jokes for an eternity on this forum....

Even more so than I will probably become without dying like that. :D

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