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Orange Rocker 30 = Pure Bliss

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For our past 2 rehearsals I have used this amp and for classic rock and blues I'm finding I like this amp even more every single time I play it. I'm taking this one on the road with me next time out. This bitch is absolutely drop dead perfect for humbuckers and classic rock/blues - with NO pedals whatsoever. Now lest you all start thinking I've lost my mind here - I'm still using pedals - but more so for leads than rhythim as much as I have used them before.


Tonight my setup was the Orange, a Les Paul and pedals were:


(Boss TU-2 Tuner), Catalinbread SCP, AMZ Plexi Stack, Teese Wizard Wah, Demeter Amplifiaction Fat Overdrive, and a Keeley modded DD-3. {censored}ing perfect. With the Keeley modded DD-3 on just a touch - Effect Level at about a third of the way up - it lent a haunting depth to the Wizard Wah that just had to be expereinced in person. {censored}ing WOW!


The Wizard Wah is nothing short of fantastic thru the Orange Rocker (on the Dirty side) and belts out some extremely vocal lead accents that had to be heard to be believed. Tore some tonal ass right thru the band mix. Next practice I'll take the Wheels of Fire Wah and A/B them at gigging levels because that's the review/comparison I want to make between these two - at gigging levels.


The WOF of course has a couple of external controls that make it more tweakable than the Wizard Wah - but for straight up Voxy Throated honed edge full wah- the Wizard Wah could easily take care of a gig without issue.


If you can try out an Orange Rocker 30 anywhere - please do - you can thank me later for the woody...


What a great {censored}ing sound this setup lent itself to tonight. Damn - gotta wind down and get to bed... :(



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Oh - update on the Rockets Band. Our agent has 4 gigs booked for us starting in January and so the mighty Rockets will take the road one more time as we dedicate this time out to my brother Bob.

We have also had the flame job on our bus removed - and have had it painted completely black. We will be putting our full color logo on both sides of the bus and trimming her out in chrome and white - it already looks awesome all black with dark tinted windows...so I guess you could say that the Rockets are Back In Black.... :cool:

We also have invested heavily into an entire new light show including 10 par 38's, 9 Lasers, and two Chauvet Comets with 28 lens each, and the fog machines. The Rockets will have a whole new look on stage and off. This has been a hard emotional hurdle to jump for me - but knowing this is absolutely my last time out on the road - for however long it lasts - we wanted to do something big to give ourselves the needed catalyst to take this to the next highest level.

Long live rock and roll and long live Brother Bob. I miss him terribly..

Night all.. :wave:

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Originally posted by 1DZReverendDavidLee

We also have invested heavily into an entire new light show including 10 par 38's, 9 Lasers, and two Chauvet Comets with 28 lens each, and the fog machines.



ooh, are you gonna get one of those Coldplay/Clocks uber laser things. you know, where you actually have to get permission and stuff from local authorities to use?


anyway, how does the Rocker 30's clean work with pedals? i've been thinking about getting this amp sometime in the far future. the thing is, i rely entirely on pedal gain, so essentially the great gain on this amp would go to waste, which i don't want, but i also don't want to dish out a couple of thousands for a boutique single channel amp.


what's the deal, Rev? is it worth it?

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Originally posted by ScreamCage

ooh, are you gonna get one of those Coldplay/Clocks uber laser things. you know, where you actually have to get permission and stuff from local authorities to use?

anyway, how does the Rocker 30's clean work with pedals? i've been thinking about getting this amp sometime in the far future. the thing is, i rely entirely on pedal gain, so essentially the great gain on this amp would go to waste, which i don't want, but i also don't want to dish out a couple of thousands for a boutique single channel amp.

what's the deal, Rev? is it worth it?

First of all they're $1300 (new) not $2000 :cool:

And yes - worth every cent and then some. :thu:

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Originally posted by Jon Hiller

Hey man, I'm glad to hear you are still enjoying the amp. It's good to hear you talking about playing live again, although I know it's gonna be a different feel without your brother there.

Thanks man! :cool:

Bro -as your friend - please change that goddamn avatar - it's scaring me to death :eek:


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