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Hey Guys! New to the forum, but I'm sure you're familiar with where I'm from!

Marin Timmy

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Originally posted by LongJohnny

This guy is exactly why Oregonians dont like Californians. I lived in the Bay Area for a year, and to say it sucked would be a disservice. The traffic is horribly, the pollution is bad, and it is cold even in the summer. There are things to do, but you have to drive on the worst highways in the country to get there.

I cant wait for the big earthquake to hit and knock these credit card living trolls into the ocean.




To each his own. I actually lived with a group of families in rural Oregon for a few months as a kid. Beautiful country, but the locals were scary (fortunately I was home-schooled). Did you know that Oregon has the highest concentration of Neo-Nazi organizations of any of the 50 states?


I also enjoy a *few* parts of Arizona (namely Sedona). Did you know that before she made her home in Arizona, Stevie Nicks briefly lived in Marin County?

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Originally posted by Marin Timmy

To each his own. I actually lived with a group of families in rural Oregon for a few months as a kid. Beautiful country, but the locals were scary (fortunately I was home-schooled). Did you know that Oregon has the highest concentration of Neo-Nazi organizations of any of the 50 states?

I also enjoy a *few* parts of Arizona (namely Sedona). Did you know that before she made her home in Arizona, Stevie Nicks briefly lived in Marin County?



So when are you going to start listing people who merely drive through Marin County to claim as your own? How about people who've seen it on a map or possibly just spoken the words?

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Originally posted by yaz75

So when are you going to start listing people who merely drive
Marin County to claim as your own? How about people who've seen it on a map or possibly just spoken the words?



No need to, my man -- I still have dozens of names of ex-residents I haven't even dropped yet. For example, Greg Allman (piece of {censored} junkie snitch) who lived in San Rafael for years.

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Originally posted by Marin Timmy

No need to, my man -- I still have dozens of names of ex-residents I haven't even dropped yet. For example, Greg Allman (piece of {censored} junkie snitch) who lived in San Rafael for years.



First thing, don't ever refer to me as "my man", as I CLEARLY am not.


Second thing, no one gives a {censored} about whatever point you're attempting to make. This is merely troll responding fun at best.

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Originally posted by yaz75

First thing, don't ever refer to me as "my man", as I CLEARLY am not.

Second thing, no one gives a {censored} about whatever point you're attempting to make. This is merely troll responding fun at best.



Wow, looks like someone needs his root chakra aligned. See you on the other side, my man.

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Guest Anonymous

Oh Timmy Timmy Timmy... you had such promise...

... but I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive.


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I lived in "rural Oregon" most of my life, and people are very friendly, and quite the opposite of scary. As for the Neo-Nazi thing, that is all wrong.... It is the KKK that is strong in Oregon. They had a big camp in Grants Pass/Illinois Valley for a long time, and there are still remnants of that today.

As for Stevie Nicks, who cares? Lindsey Buckingham is the man though. I would rather claim Glen Campbell and Waylon Jennings as one of our own for PHX.

So what instruments do you play MarinBoy?


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Originally posted by Barnabyhuggins

I believe we are being {censored}ed with. No one is this fruity and stupid.

"more yoga"

" chi balanced"

"root chakra aligned"

Anyone who speaks like that is either a Saturday Night Live parody or he is {censored}ing with us.



"Yeah, let's make fun of those fruity Californians, they seek spritual growth and embrace new ideas, how weird (insert granola joke here.)"

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Originally posted by LongJohnny

I lived in "rural Oregon" most of my life, and people are very friendly, and quite the opposite of scary.



Tell that to the Osho devotees (followers of Shree Rajneesh) who were prevented from freely practicing their religion and were essentially chased out of the state by redneck thugs from Antelope.

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Originally posted by LongJohnny

So what instruments do you play MarinBoy?




Now we're talkin'! Started out on bass, but these days I'm making most of my sounds with a 6 string Alembic Tribute through a pre-Mark 1 (aka Lagunitas dog kennel) Boogie. I'm also thinking about taking up the Chapman Stick.

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