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I'm looking for a fuzz...

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Originally posted by Simple Exploding Man

I'm looking for a fuzz pedal to use for my rhythm sound. It has to be thick, bassy, creamy and heavy. Not trebley and not too out of control. HELP!

I've just bought a Kimbara FY-2 Fuzz pedal. But I think I'll mainly use that for lead parts and short rhythm parts...



the peachfuzz has that sound

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I like my MJM Foxey Fuzz for chords as well as leads. It's a high-class but reasonably priced Big Muff clone. I can get huge waves of creamy fuzzed out chords and singing violin-like sustain with the box.


The tone knob on the Foxey Fuzz has a very large sweep so you can go from thumbing bass to that needle-y sixties fuzz. If you are looking for Smashing Pumpkins fuzz chords this will get you there.


I've had the Foxey for about a year and a half and I like it more and more. Here's a link:



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Originally posted by Simple Exploding Man

What are you showing me? The Frantone Lo-Tone? I know that's a bass fuzz, is it any good with guitar?



I had a Frantone Peachfuzz for a little while, I sold it because it was too similar to my Foxey Fuzz. Maybe a little more compressed sounding but very close. That might do the trick also.

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Originally posted by Simple Exploding Man

my bassist uses a Big Muff though. I don't want things to get too Muffy.



I had a re-issue Muff and whilst they do have 'that' sound, I didn't find it worked well with rhythm playing on the lower register.

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Don't get a fuzz factory, that would be trebely and out of control and not that bassy. I've had one, rhythm isn't what it's really good for.


I would say any of the skreddy pedals would suit your need (the new mayo would do it). I have a M.I. Audio Neo and it gets pretty good rhythm sounds, and you can tweak it a bunch.



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Originally posted by EvilSoup

Don't get a fuzz factory, that would be trebely and out of control and not that bassy. I've had one, rhythm isn't what it's really good for.



If you use a 7-7-3-5 setting on a Fuzz Factory and roll back your guitar volume you get a unique OD sounding rhythm sound.

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Either the Foxey Fuzz or the Peach Fuzz are where its at. Those are both great pedals meeting your description.


You could also try the Jacques Mercer Box. It is super flexible and has lots of gain and bass on tap. I don't know why more folks don't love this pedal. It sounds great with my stuff.


Another pedal that does that kind of thing really well is the Budda PhatMan (purple or red). It is very high gain and bassy....mine was anyway.

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