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HC Chat: Is it dead? Do we need an alternative?


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I've always found it troublesome to log on, sometimes it does, sometimes it won't, I logged on yesterday, but there was no one there. We just need to raise awareness and find an application that is fully functional, Devi Ever used to have a nice Harmony Central page with a very active chatroom, but for some technical reason, Devi closed it down. Too bad, it was really nice, as far as I remember, you could have the FX forum, a chatroom, FX news, all in one, anybody remember that ?

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I was on last weekend, and it seemed a little strange The topic and everything didn't appear for awhile when I was in there. I usually log on thru irc though and not the java applet. I didn't have any trouble logging on to the irc server. However, I can't do it at school because there's a block on irc from the school's firewall. :( Maybe its time for an xhcfx chat?

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Guest Anonymous
Originally posted by bieke

I've always found it troublesome to log on, sometimes it does, sometimes it won't, I logged on yesterday, but there was no one there. We just need to raise awareness and find an application that is fully functional, Devi Ever used to have a nice Harmony Central page with a very active chatroom, but for some technical reason, Devi closed it down. Too bad, it was really nice, as far as I remember, you could have the FX forum, a chatroom, FX news, all in one, anybody remember that ?

I'm looking in to getting that back up for you guys... but I can't find it for the life of me. :mad:


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ok it *seems* to be working now...

... i do like that the chat can be run on client software. the java applet though is a pain and as I recall the window on the chat devi hosted for us was tiny (and we couldn't get features like subject headings and bots) in there.

but a better chat environment would work. i do get the impression a lot of people have tried this chat and not been able to get it to work for them.

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Guest Anonymous

fixed :


Let me know if you want any other links and such on the main page and/or the chat window.

I want to keep this an open and _useful_ resource / chat room, and not be too centered on one effects company, message board, etc. etc.

Also, let me know if anything is buggy.


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Guest Anonymous

Originally posted by bieke

I'm just chatting with myself for the time being



I'd chat... but I really need to get back to work... hopefully this will turn out okay.


EVERYONE : Feel free to PM me or email me if you have problems, although I probably can't do anything about it. :'/



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Guest Anonymous

Originally posted by fernmeister




reload... give it time...


subRosa and Bieke were just in their chatting it up, and tonegecko stopped by....


what browser are you using?

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The chat appears on the right, it just takes a couple of minutes to load.

No matter what I do, I can't get forum posting to work with Safari. It doesn't accept the cookies, so my username and password is not remembered. For now I'll be using Firefox. If anyone has any luck with Safari, please let me know.

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Guest Anonymous

I swear it works... just give it a minute, and if it doesn't appear after a few minutes, hit refresh. If that doesn't work, just come back later.


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try this:

or this:

That second link should work. It takes about two minutes for me to load, and I'm on a 2.3mbit broadband connection.

Also, Devi, could you put the links to the various forums in chat.html, so that you can alternate between the different forums without having to reload the chatwindow aswell?

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