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Pod XT Live or...


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Pod XT Live or...



EH Small Stone

EH Small Clone

EH Deluxe Electric Mistress


I like the versatility of the Live, but I know the effects won't be as good. It might be worth getting the Pod XT just because it is so versatile, and then once I decide that I really like the effects on it buy good effects pedals one by one. I will be able to afford either option pretty soon. I have a few questions though...



What are the amp models on the Pod XT?

What are the effects models on the Pod XT?

Can I plug the Pod XT into my effects loop of my amp and use the effects from the Pod XT, but use my amp distortion?

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Yeah but I also wanted to know some opinions. And... are there any clips of just the basic effects on the thing? They all of their fancy swirling delay clips and whatever on there, but I just want to hear some flanger and some wah or whatever to see how that sounds.

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Originally posted by Flaat

Playing live, noone will notice anyway. But go to a store, try it out and see what YOU like the best.



You won't get a very good idea at the store, unless the store is quiet and you can use your rig. Grab the manual while you are at it. I have the XT Live and I am enjoying the heck out of it. You can run it into your loop and use your own amps distortion or you can go straight in and still use your amp/distortion. I use my Fulldrive II with it and it works great. The key to getting good sounds out of it is to really mess with it. You can change cabs and mike positions. For instance: the Fender Bassman sounds okay as is but when I switched the speaker cab from the original to a line 6 4-10 cab it was WAY better. It will take a few days to figure out the sounds that you like (at least) Too many people give up on this and other types of gear because they just don't get into the deep editing.


Just my 2 cents

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