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What small amps work best together stereo?


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I bought a Roland Blues Cube from Hopeless Romantic (the 1x12 amp, not the newer Roland cubes w/ all of the effects), and it sounds SWEET in stereo with a Peavey Classic 30.

I've also tried the Classic 30 along with my Gibson Goldtone GA30RVS, and that was a sweet combination too. Both Class A tube amps.

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I am running 2 Epi Valve Jr's with my POD XT Live. I go into a Fulldrive 2 into my POD out to the Epi's. I like it, I crank one of the amps just a little bit more than the other, and I set the POD up as a direct out so I get the full stereo benefits.

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Originally posted by digital


i like that guitar... are those dimarzio pickups?...

oh, i certainly suggest a fender champ.. i need to get mine fixed again...



it's a guild s-300 and those pickups are supposed to be dimarzio super distortions but i never checked it.

those amps are quite fender-ish with a 6V6 power section that is very close to a 5e3.

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