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Marin Timmy

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ENOUGH. Every visit to this forum ultimately becomes a test of my compassion, and I'm afraid I may be failing. If you guys insist upon putting personalities ahead of the music, or prefer OT nonsense, inscrutable inside jokes and overt attacks to sincere discussion, I

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Bravo! Bravo! Encore! Encore!

Quote from unseen fan leaving the festivities:

He was............well............just .......................so...............so

Interviewer: Go on..........

so...................:sob:..................sensitive! More sensitive than any man Ive ever encountered I tell you! I simply can not speak further!

Interviewer: And there you have it, live.

Many of the Marin Timmy fans are, simply, too emotional to even speak right now.

Umm........back to you in the studio, this has been a live report from HCFX forum, where, just moments ago, Marin Timmy announced his final words and departure from the forum.......................more as this drama unfolds.......................


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Originally posted by mst3k

Bravo! Bravo! Encore! Encore!

Quote from unseen fan leaving the festivities:

He was............well............just .......................so...............so

Interviewer: Go on..........

so...................:sob:..................sensitive! More sensitive than any man Ive ever encountered I tell you! I simply can not speak further!

Interviewer: And there you have it, live.

Many of the Marin Timmy fans are, simply, too emotional to even speak right now.

Umm........back to you in the studio, this has been a live report from HCFX forum, where, just moments ago, Marin Timmy announced his final words and departure from the forum.......................more as this drama unfolds.......................




Go {censored} in your hat.





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Dwayne, it has just come to my attention that one "stereotyp" is showing some remorse and concern over the whole "Marin Timmy" fiasco.......................

I am pushing my way thru the crowd to try and get a one on one...............

Excuse me................................excuse me......................sir? Stereotyp...................a few words please......................

Ahem.....................3...............2.................1............Sir, how are you feeling right now??????

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Can you hear me?? is this thing on?? OMFG.................if you can hear me...................holey crap this just in, I was actually able to get close enough to the action to actually get a word from Marin Timmy himself..................this just in..................(God I hope this is recording)

Mr. Timmy.................a word if possible sir?

(the following is an actual unedited Marin Timmy response...)

"Go {censored} in your hat.



OMG....................unbelievable..........................I can hardly contain myself.........................It is very intense down here on the floor........................


OMG...............O M G..................O M F G............tell me you got that..............tell me you got that...............my career from this moment forward is golden. This goes to air in 10 minutes, make sure it is perfect....................................................

And cut...................................get this to the studio right {censored}ing now.............................................

Fade to black.

cut to commercial............

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And there you have it.......................we will wrap this up for tonite............We will leave a live crew in place just in case any further developments occur...throughout the evening.... emotions are high.................................................................Chuck???

This has been a live report of the ongoing, Marin Timmy story ,unfolding, minute by minute on the HCFX forum............................. we go now, back to the studio.......................


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Originally posted by Marin Timmy

If you also enjoy the occasional dose of homophobia, you should check out any of AtomicJeff's replies to me in any one of several threads (or just paste this into the search box: homo OR fag OR gay OR jizz slurper OR protect my butthole OR big black buck.)



Yep, I'm scared to death of you guys! :D:eek:

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Originally posted by StompboxMan

I went by Robert Keeley's booth. I sell his Product. He had told me I could trade my demo Comp for the latest version. So I brought it to the Show. We were talking about the new Input Sensitivity Control and how it improves the sound of our EC Strats and it's other uses.

He gives me the new model then turns to a few people in front of his Booth and says, does anybody want a Compressor? A guy holds out his hand and Robert give him a free Comp.

It was very kind of him to do the trade. It was unbelievably generous of him to give the Comp away like that. That was so cool! You should have been there!


+1000 for Robert being the coolest guy at the show!



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Just makes you wonder...

When Timmy describes to someone (and oh yes, believe me, he WILL) how negative his experience was at Harmony-Central's Guitar Effects forum... Will someone in his life have the courtesy to say to Timmy:

Are you sure it wasn't you?

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