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Chuck Norris doesn't use effects.....


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I think the movie Dodgeball started it with that "{censored}ing Chuck Norris" comment. The guy is actually pretty cool and laid back so I dont think he said or did anything. There is a whole website of Chuck Norris Jokes. I think Chuck was interviewed about it and he doesn't understand why he gets picked on but thinks most of it is funny. I mean how can you pick on a guy like this.


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Originally posted by Seth Carmody

3. Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

4. The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.

8. Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead decided to punch his way out of his mother

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hah thats ok, on the mac IM client, Adium X, we have a script

Type /Chuck, and you get a chuck norris joke

i leave it in my away messages 24/7 and it updates every 60 seconds, pissing off whoever else has this IM client, cause itll just fill their window to the point where they cant even see what i last said lol but it keeps the guys who read it in class entertained

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I think the reason he's made fun of so much is because he's washed up and, of cours,e because of that horrible Walker series. I'm sure Bush loves that tv show. Those were some funny jokes about Chuck Norris, though. The Jack Bauer ones are better, but only because they're true. :D

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Originally posted by anti-flag193

yeah, I don't get all the chuck noris humor.

i'm thinking Conan O'Brien might've been the impetus. he had the Walker lever that he'd pull to activate a Walker clip. that's when the ribbing started, i do believe.

all i know is that this was one of my favorite movies when i was a kid:


Chuck AND Carradine?! :eek:
come on! you KNOW there's some ass-kickin' in that movie!

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