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OT: for fans of Sin City and animation...


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i saw it the other night at a local art-type cinema.

visually its fantastic after you get used to the style, the story or acting however is pretty bad.

i saw the version with daniel craig, ian holm etc doing the voices. i was thinking beforehand it might have been dubbed, but the animation is in english language. if it was french with subtitles it would have gotten away with a lot of the dialogue, but as it stood, it suffered from poor writing at times.

the first half is a bit confusing and tries to set the character up as best as possible but has trouble keeping the pace up. the second half comes together really well.. i won't spoil anything but it starts getting really good at the end.

the scenes with snow and rainfall look stunning..

i just can't help but feel if it was french with english subtitles, or had live action people on animated background, a la sin city it would have worked much better. but then i guess the comparisons may have been too great.

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