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Losing weight makes you realize how fat you were


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Yeah, I've recently lost 10-15lbs, and you definitely notice.
I need to continue though. Gotta get in shape.
I'm just under 240lbs at 6'4.
I think a big part of getting healthier for me is eating more regularly. I'm veg, so a lot of the food in the house I can't it. I've got really strange sleep patterns too, and eat at odd times.
Building a gym in the house too, so that should be good :thu:

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I used to weigh 237 lbs.

I'm down to 165 lbs. now. Every aspect of life is better.

1. drink soda
2. eat fast food
3. eat large meals
4. eat fast

1. do cardio EVERY DAY (this isn't hard, very easy)
2. drink as close to a gallon of water a day as you can
3. eat high protein, low fat foods like Tuna
4. eat 5-6 times a day, very small portions. this is actually much better for you than large, 3 times a day meals.

I can post exactly what I did if anybody wants to know. Its not hard AT ALL. Don't be discouraged.

Sometimes I have so much energy that I have to run for miles now. Its amazing, and I feel so stupid for not doing this sooner. My girlfriend loves it too....

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thats good advice!~

and im gonna add on my experience..

drank just water for one whole month and i felt slimmer (although i didn't lose much of my weight)

started drinking sodas for a few days.. and within a few.. i gain close to 6 pounds.. :mad:

water is the way to go!! detox!

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Originally posted by Wilbo26

Supposedly drinking warm water with meals and cold water the rest of the time helps with your metabolism too.



makes sense.


Hot/warm water will help break up yer food.


cold water makes yer body burn more calories to produce heat.

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Originally posted by losergeek

makes sense.

Hot/warm water will help break up yer food.

cold water makes yer body burn more calories to produce heat.



Hey, it does make sense! My gf found some article that had all kinds of little tidbits like that, I think its bookmarked on my computer at home, I'll try and remember to dig it up. A lot of the stuff was really interesting.

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Originally posted by losergeek

makes sense.

Hot/warm water will help break up yer food.

cold water makes yer body burn more calories to produce heat.







Its a myth. There's research to show that it does cause your metabolism to rise, but its very negligable.







Check out this website here. You don't have to go gung-ho like he did, but definelty check out the pictures and diet plans:



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Originally posted by scott_335

gr8fuldodd: it seems like you are doing a lot of stuff to improve yourself. I saw your posts on how long you have gone without any drugs. How is that going? it seems like you are really getting it together. Thats awesome if you are still doing it.




I have been trying to live better

I haven't had a drink or drug in 44 days

and I've been on nutrisystem for a little over a month

I thought it might be convenient and help with my hectic life

lawschool put about 25 pounds on me and I was drinking like a fish

I thought it might be cool to add a good diet with the non-drinking lifestyle

this week I began the third phase, which is regular trips to the gym

I can't wait to see how things are looking in three weeks


I've struggled w/ the sobriety though

I miss drinking and getting a little drunk

I've tried to concentrate on my goals and how I feel when I binge drink (my AA friend tells me this is called "playing the tape forward") as opposed to fantasizing about the short term fun of drinking


I'm in my last year of law school and I want to look good at my interviews

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You're right. THere's no reason that yer metabolism would rise (the real way to lose weight), but it would be a good way to burn calories.

Originally posted by rockstrongo

Its a myth. There's research to show that it does cause your metabolism to rise, but its very negligable.

Check out this website here. You don't have to go gung-ho like he did, but definelty check out the pictures and diet plans:


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I lost 35lbs my first month of college my freshman year. I ate only tuna, salads, popcorn and turkey sandwiches. No pop and I rode 8 miles on an exercise bike everyday. I've since gained it all back because I live at home again and my moms a really good cook. Now I have an office job and I really need to lose some weight.

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I haven't really lost any weight. I've just put on a lot of muscle to make up for the fat that was there. I was about 220-230ish before. I weigh at about 215 now and have been there for about a year or so. But I'm a lot more muscular and my face has slimmed down a bit.

I could stand to lose more weight, but with lifting weights, I want to keep a bulking diet at the point. When I can rep 225 on the good ole bench press for 3x5, can do 315 on the dead lift easy, i'll start losing some of it. too bad i'll have to say bye to those lifts when that happens :(

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Back a few years ago I weighed 300lbs, had blood pressure that was creeping up, smoked, drank, and was in terrible shape for a 32 year old man. I lost 60lbs on the Adkin, quit smoking and drinking, and felt and looked better.

Fast forward 4 years... I've put on some of the weight, and weigh close to what I weighed before the diet. My size isn't nearly what it was before the weight loss, and my BP and other things they looked for in my bloodwork look good. My 'bad' cholesterol is low, but so is my 'good' cholesterol, and I HATE fish.. I took a more physical job last year and that added muscle mass on my already beefy frame, but it's odd weighing what I did pre-diet but still being slimmer...

I need to lay off the baked goods and exercise more. It's HARD to stay in shape driving 18-wheelers(look at some of the fat-asses next time you're by a truckstop..) and the stress of the job is a huge reason for the declining health of our nation's truckers...

..... That and a McDonald's in every damn truckstop...

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