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what is it about fuzz that makes you want more and more?


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Originally posted by gr8fuldodd

Is it just because the flavors are all over the place?

Or something in the sound itself that yanks at your insides?

Sure I've got a couple of pedals of the same type, but I can already see that fuzz is going to be a non stop search for a new sound



Yes and Yes.


The field of fuzz is enormous; it's easy to wake up 50 pedals later and wonder how that happened - without regret or musical curiosity slated.


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my analogy....

Fuzz is good, just like beer... although for many it is an aquired taste. Like beer, once you learn to appreciate it's flavor, you realize there's an endless variety of fuzz flavors to choose from ... most of them good... some of them not so good

The key is to sample and enjoy what YOU like :cool:

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Originally posted by duderanimous

my analogy....

Fuzz is good, just like beer... although for many it is an aquired taste. Like beer, once you learn to appreciate it's flavor, you realize there's an endless variety of fuzz flavors to choose from ... most of them good... some of them not so good

The key is to sample and enjoy what YOU like

thats pretty much what i think Dude:)

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its about doing things wrong. ive yet to hear a fuzz pedal that sounded good the first time i heard it. its about making what youre playing through it sound good.

fuzz pedals have lead me to write riffs i wouldnt have otherwise.

an intentionally {censored}ed up voicing for saying {censored}ed up things. if you take it for anything else...i hope you enjoy your eyeliner.

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Originally posted by duderanimous

my analogy....

Fuzz is good, just like beer... although for many it is an aquired taste. Like beer, once you learn to appreciate it's flavor, you realize there's an endless variety of fuzz flavors to choose from ... most of them good... some of them not so good

The key is to sample and enjoy what YOU like

I'm gonna buy one of your "Beers" soon! I'm a Fuzz-a-holic. help me!:freak:

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Originally posted by StratStevo

, from your avatar I presume you own a Neo Fuzz...Is it the shiznit? Cuz I just bought a G.I. Fuzz and I was wondering if the Neo lived up to your expectations?

Electric Ladyland in a box. A germaniun fuzz voiced like an overdrive. It is my favorite pedal. It is the {censored} for early hendrix cover :)

I gotta warn you that I did tweaked the pedal for over a week to get the tone I was after. It flips the polarity so it needs its own power source. I am afraid if it gets bumped the settings are going to change. :D
bu man do I love that pedal...

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Originally posted by fusionid

Electric Ladyland in a box. A germaniun fuzz voiced like an overdrive. It is my favorite pedal. It is the {censored} for early hendrix cover

I gotta warn you that I did tweaked the pedal for over a week to get the tone I was after. It flips the polarity so it needs its own power source. I am afraid if it gets bumped the settings are going to change.
bu man do I love that pedal...

Sounds good to me :thu:
Any of the MI Audio stuff with 6 knobs takes some time to dial in, but its always worth it in the end, they also can be tweaked to work with any guitar/amp combination. I will prolly get a Neo too when Brad gets them in, Thanx!

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Originally posted by erksin

I can't ever seem to manage to make one work for me - I know there is a definite learning curve to fuzzes, but getting pleasing useable tones out of one is nearly impossible for me...

+1. I've owned some of the best but could never tweak them right to please my ears. :( I want to like fuzz but....

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Originally posted by TheAtomicJeff

+1. I've owned some of the best but could never tweak them right to please my ears.
I want to like fuzz but....

well, you have shredding machines there. I have found that they sound better with low output single coils. Try it with a strat and give it a week or so.
The Fulltone Ultimate Octave does great with Humbuckers and solo oriented pups. joe satriani need no apply. I would try that one if I were you.

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Originally posted by fusionid

well, you have shredding machines there. I have found that they sound better with low output single coils. Try it with a strat and give it a week or so.

The Fulltone Ultimate Octave does great with Humbuckers and solo oriented pups. joe satriani need no apply. I would try that one if I were you.


The best fuzz pedals I liked were played with my single coils. I agree that singles are the only way to go with fuzz.


I guess if I were to try fuzz again it would probably be the Dr. Scientist Fraz Dazzler.

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Originally posted by TheAtomicJeff

The best fuzz pedals I liked were played with my single coils. I agree that singles are the only way to go with fuzz.



So true. The only time I've used hums with fuzz is with something like a Fuzzrite which needs a bit of a kick in the pants to fully buzz out.



I've been all over the fuzz map - vintage, modern, over hyped, under hyped, boutique, mass produced, eastern, western, octave up, octave down, germanium, silicon, very expensive, dirt cheap.... and I'm still sampling of the sweet delights. That said, my 'extra marital' fuzz craving was curbed markedly when I got a fuzz factory.


Now I'm getting better at soldering I'm gonna start biulding little projects, I think.

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