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Big Muff Clarity Issues

Steve Howe

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I got a ugly green Russian Big Muff. How can I make the chords a bit more uh rounded off? I don't know how to say it. A bit more pronounced maybe? I use a lot of extensions (6ths and 9ths in particular a durr hurr), and under all that fuzzy goodness I can't really tell.


Any tips?



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Originally posted by fusionid

boosting mids a bit on the amp maybe?

tone stack in muffs have for the most part a mid cut.

experiment with low sustain levels as well.


I have a Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue. It has no Mids knob. It lacks in the mids department as well. I guess I could run my Bad Monkey somewhere in there. Would it work best before or after the Big Muff?


Thanks :thu:

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Originally posted by garyfanclub

It is not rational to use "Big Muff" and "Clarity" in the same sentence. That said, if you are determined, I'd get an EQ. The worst that can happen is that it gives your BM a little more presence. If you want fuzzy/clarity (oxymoron?) I'd probably go with a Dist+.


Dist+ are way to trebly for my tastes. I guess I can try it with an EQ. :cry:

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Originally posted by garyfanclub

Leave everything at zero, play with the high and low mids until you get some definition.

I'm suprised you think Dist+'s are trebley, mine's quite middy through my tele, then again I am running through about 10824896 different effects.


It's trebley with my Tele :(


But I'm still curious as which bands to boost and which ones to cut.


edit: and now I see you were talking about the EQ :D Thanks!

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Why didn't anyone say 'use a compressor' yet?


I have a D*A*M Ramhead, and when I have no other pedals on, it sounds huge, fat and 'round'. But I did just that in the beginning, if I now put it on, my MXR Dynacomp is already on too...it does miracles! It adds clarity, and makes the Muff more agressive, sharper...much better :thu:


To get the best out of a Big Muff, you really need (in my opinion) a compressor!

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