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Vox AC15cc opinions?


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I've always loved the vox tones from records and today I actually tried one for 10 min at a local music store and its pretty damn cool. Some big shots were in for a clinic or something and my friends were waiting so I couldn't take long.


The cleans were very nice, didn't get it to breakup. I loved the trem, but I haven't really used a good trem but I like what I heard. But the reverb sounded like total ass. It was metallic and harsh, it's probably spoilt but I heard that the verb wasn't very good, but still not this terrible.


So basically before I drop my cash are there any comments by users about a) tone, and b) maintanance. How does it sound pushed by pedals for od/fuzz/distortion since its like the topboost channel? Are there any design flaws like being prone to overheat or difficulty in changing tubes? I've heard a bunch of issues about the AC30cc so I'm not sure if it applied.


I like chimey cleans and big fuzz sounds btw. I'm sure it can do the first but am interested if a byoc muff would blend nicely with it. Its awesome with my fender but sucks in the band situation. The extra helping of mids might help that.


Of course I would've searched for it but...


The folks on the plexipalace forums seemed pretty happy with theirs but suggest the AC30. Out of my budget I'm afraid. And probably too loud. One of the reasons I'm thinking of moving my 60 watt fender.

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Be aware that it probably won't be much quieter than the AC30! Generally the Top Boost channel is pernickerty about pedals, but many work nicely, especially when the amp is cooking a little.

Tubes are a pain to swap and they do burn through them quicker than most other amps, but if you have to have that sound, what are you going to do?

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Originally posted by Teahead

Be aware that it probably won't be much quieter than the AC30! Generally the Top Boost channel is pernickerty about pedals, but many work nicely, especially when the amp is cooking a little.

Tubes are a pain to swap and they do burn through them quicker than most other amps, but if you have to have that sound, what are you going to do?



Thanks for the reply man. I've heard horror stories about some defects causing lots of noise in the cc series, were these correctable with just swapping the tubes?


The main issues I'm concerned about are the reliability and how pedals interact with the amp since it only has a top boost channel. Thanks for answering that bit, any others who can chime in about the reliability issues (if they haven't been sorted out yet) and pedal combos that blend nicely with the amp

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More than welcome mate. As you've obviously been around the Plexi Palace, I'd highly recommend searching and posting there for experiences. Most of the early troubles were indeed solved with tube swaps, but I think they use better tubes in recent ones.

What kind of guitar are you intending to hit the AC15 with and what kind of sounds are you looking for?

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i played one last week and hated it. i was GASing for one bad until i played one. it is definitely off my want list. the reverb and trem were big bad spots for me. that and the imput jack was screwed up right out of the box ( i watched the guy pull it out of the box and put it on the floor.

the clean tones were nice, i'll say that, but everything else sucked.

now my fender GAs is back with a vengence.

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Originally posted by Teahead

More than welcome mate. As you've obviously been around the Plexi Palace, I'd highly recommend searching and posting there for experiences. Most of the early troubles were indeed solved with tube swaps, but I think they use better tubes in recent ones.

What kind of guitar are you intending to hit the AC15 with and what kind of sounds are you looking for?



I'm actually using a musicman sabre 1, dual active hums with switches for out of phase and treble boost, with those selected I get something sounding like strat/tele hybrid tone, crisp and clear but with the tendency to get slightly thin and papery. It has an onboard inherant boost from the preamp that makes choosing pedals tricky.


I really like the U2 tone and chimey cleans for indie, also want a nice 'krrang' type of breakup without being too harsh too (possibly boost it to get this). But I like Pumpkins style rhythm fuzz and I've got my muff for that. The problem is that I'd run the amp clean/edge of breakup and hit it with pedals, and I'm not sure how it'll react.


I've decided that I like mids, so my fender super 112 isn't quite cutting it, but is still a nice amp, freakin' loud though. I'd love to run them in stereo but alas my wallet can no longer take that kind of abuse.



i played one last week and hated it. i was GASing for one bad until i played one. it is definitely off my want list. the reverb and trem were big bad spots for me. that and the imput jack was screwed up right out of the box ( i watched the guy pull it out of the box and put it on the floor.

the clean tones were nice, i'll say that, but everything else sucked.

now my fender GAs is back with a vengence.



Exactly the reliability issues I'm afraid of. The local distributor of vox is having their annual sale and prices are very tempting indeed. I could do without the trem and verb and stick with a simple functional amp if I find that they really suck badly. The trem was nice imo but I can get better verb hitting a tin can with a fork. Metallic and very unnatural imo.

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Originally posted by bluehuricane

i liked it when i played it. the tremolo seemed a little loud, but if you don't put it on extreme settings and use it a whole lot, i think you'll be fine. sounds as good as an ac30 clean, just doesn't get as much gain when cranked (not that that's a whole lot)



how's the headroom? it kinda bugs me to put a delay up front into an overdriven amp

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Originally posted by fuzzinator

Don't buy a current AC15. Hunt down a British-made one from the 90s.



I don't agree.

The newer AC15 sounds better to me. The 90's was like a mini-Ac30, which was fine mind you, but this one sounds like it has more attack and kick, like the orig. 60's versions do.

Neither actually sounds too much like the 60's version, which was quite a different circuit and one of the best amps ever made IMO.

The reverb wasn't so great in the new one I tried, but I don't think of Vox amps and reverb anyway. The 60's ones didn't have it either.

But if you're hot for reverb, lots of folks seem to be replacing the tank in the CC's for a better one. the verb tank isn't a lot of money and is a simple (if you have the instructions) mod to do.


The CC's are really cheap for what you get. If you can afford the Blue Celestion, get it (as it's alot of the classic Vox tone) or save a few bucks and get the Red Fang from Eminiece, whcih is a clone. The Weber Alnico is supposed to be really close too.

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Originally posted by outofmoney

bought it. returned it in 6 hours. it was crap.



How so. Now I'm pretty convinced that the amp would do what I'd like tonally (but more advice on what overdrive/distortion/fuzzes would be suited for it would be nice). Its just the overall build quality that bugs me, stories about noise and crappy jacks that scare me.


I am this | | close to getting one though. Especially for the nice year end price my local store is offering.

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Originally posted by p00n

Now I'm pretty convinced that the amp would do what I'd like tonally (but more advice on what overdrive/distortion/fuzzes would be suited for it would be nice).



What sounds are you going for? While the Top Boost channel deserves it's reputaion as a 'picky' pedal partner, almost everything has been used by someone at some point into a Vox.


Big Muff, Ge/Si Fuzz Face, Tonebender etc. Some folks even like a TS overdrive, which I hated with my AC30, it's all down to taste.


There are dozens of Vox/dirt clips in my sig, you're more than welcome to check some out, or use recorded tones as a reference to what you'd prefer.

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It really does boil down to everyone's individual tastes.

I was very excited about getting an AC15cc, went down to my local guitar store, plugged in, and was very disappointed. It sounded very solid state to me, with very little life or punch.

In speaking to multiple people who have tried both the entry level and the Blue Celestion, everyone was disappointed.

I owned a 90s AC-30 and I played through a couple of AC-15s back then. Liked em much better.

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Originally posted by Teahead

What sounds are you going for? While the Top Boost channel deserves it's reputaion as a 'picky' pedal partner, almost everything has been used by someone at some point into a Vox.

Big Muff, Ge/Si Fuzz Face, Tonebender etc. Some folks even like a TS overdrive, which I hated with my AC30, it's all down to taste.

There are dozens of Vox/dirt clips in my sig, you're more than welcome to check some out, or use recorded tones as a reference to what you'd prefer.



Actually if the AC15cc is anything like your AC30's topboost channel, I'm pretty much sold. How cranked was your amp for the 'top boost chords' clips? I'd love that tone but with some headroom for cleans. I think I would leave it clean and hit it with a boost/overdrive for this sort of overdriven tones.


Would it be possible to get the clean tone of the first bit of 'bjf stack 2'?

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The "BJF2" clip is into the Normal Channel, which doesn't break up fully until about 2/3rd cranked, it's about half way in that clip. The TB channel breaks up earlier, but it's also louder, so you don't need to crank it so far.

The "TB Chords" clip was recorded with that channel just over half way on the dial. But I am digging in really hard to get that break up, as I pick softer at about 0.23 you hear it cleans up nicely at that setting. Which is the beauty of a good tube amp.

Tube selection can help get the break up you need, the old (not JJ) Tesla power tubes I've tried have lots of gain and break up early, where Philips, Brimar & Mullard EL84s don't break up until later and have a warm, full clean tone.

The Celestion Blues play quite a big part in getting those chime filled clean sounds too, I suggest you try both models to see if the standard speaker performs well enough.

Good luck mate.

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Originally posted by Teahead

The "BJF2" clip is into the Normal Channel, which doesn't break up fully until about 2/3rd cranked, it's about half way in that clip. The TB channel breaks up earlier, but it's also louder, so you don't need to crank it so far.

The "TB Chords" clip was recorded with that channel just over half way on the dial. But I am digging in really hard to get that break up, as I pick softer at about 0.23 you hear it cleans up nicely at that setting. Which is the beauty of a good tube amp.

Tube selection can help get the break up you need, the old (not JJ) Tesla power tubes I've tried have lots of gain and break up early, where Philips, Brimar & Mullard EL84s don't break up until later and have a warm, full clean tone.

The Celestion Blues play quite a big part in getting those chime filled clean sounds too, I suggest you try both models to see if the standard speaker performs well enough.

Good luck mate.



Awesome mate, you've given invaluable help. Same with the rest of the people who gave advice.


I think I'll be getting one, hope its an inch closer to my tonal nirvana

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  • 7 months later...
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It really does boil down to everyone's individual tastes.

I was very excited about getting an AC15cc, went down to my local guitar store, plugged in, and was very disappointed. It sounded very solid state to me, with very little life or punch.

In speaking to multiple people who have tried both the entry level and the Blue Celestion, everyone was disappointed.

I owned a 90s AC-30 and I played through a couple of AC-15s back then. Liked em much better.




You have to turn this amp up. Put everything at about halfway (except the effects) and it should deliver the goods for you. Mine arrived with 4 bad tubes, so most likely any noise issue is attributable to that. Vox will mail replacements immediately. Great amp. $540 new in resealed box. Deal of the century. Blows away blues juniors and DRRI's. I'm going to stay with the Wharfdale for a while, I understand it really benefits from a break in period.

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I've got one....


love the clean sound, adore the trem (more so than my semaphore)...hate the reverb (apparently this can be sorted with a new pan from accutronics fairly cheaply).

The tubes i got with mine were terrible, all drive sounds were brittle and nasty - with a new set of El84s it sounds far better - lovely AC30 crunch.....

Good points - It does THAT sound, good interior construction (chassis mounted tubes, solid feeling and looking)

Bad- Terrible reverb out the box, cheap tubes, the usual (read all vox last 10 years) cheapy thin tolex...

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PS - The stock wharfedale was OK...until the amp distorted...

I replaced it with a greenback(also tried an H30) and the amp impressed far more..




I actually played an AC30cc2, and I thought the reverb was very, very nice. Same thing with the tremolo. I really like the amp alot, but I'm also worried about build quality. Especially considering its around $1k.

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PS - The stock wharfedale was OK...until the amp distorted...

I replaced it with a greenback(also tried an H30) and the amp impressed far more..



I was about ready to replace the Wharfedale in my ac15cc, but just within the last 2 days the speaker has finally settled in. I was getting decent clean tones but the overdriven sounds had this high end fizz, very subtle but when you know it's there you can't not hear it. Anyway, for weeks I've been playing the amp in my rehearsal space for about 30 minutes at a shot, loud, and recording each session, then listening back. I tried various overdrive pedal settings, chan vol and master vol settings, nothing could take away that fizz.


Then yesterday, no fizz. Zero.


Someone asked how it takes pedals. It likes them very much. But you can just go straight in and crank it up, and it likes that too.


This amp has to be the value of the decade. Look for new returned units for $540 delivered at any of the online retailers.

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I have a AC15cc. It came with the Warfedale speaker, which I replaced with a Weber Blue Dog AlNiCo. The Weber definitely changed the sound of the amp (IMO, and for the tone I was after, for the better), and only cost me $150, which was less than what the amp w/ Celestion Blue would have cost me.

The reverb isn't very good - I might be interested in a link to the reverb pan substitute mod (hint hint ;) ), but the trem isn't bad at all IMHO. The amp breaks up nicely, especially with a good boost (I use an HBE Germania) in front of it. The clean tones are exceptionally good for such an affordable amp.

Downsides? It's a pain to swap speakers - you have to pull the panels off the back, plus you have to pull the brain out too in order to get a big magnet speaker like a Blue Dog into it. Tube replacement is also somewhat of a hassle. The tolex covering and cab are thin and cheap, and easily dinged - get a good case if you plan to tour with it, or at least a heavy-duty cover to help protect it for local gigs. Outside of those complaints, I've been happy with mine and, knock on wood, it's been reliable.

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